Public Execution of Queen Rebecca

Life, Death

9/9 11:00

King Ridvan told Queen Rebecca, in front of all her subjects, that she must rescind the throne and surrender to Fainarr or die. Queen Rebecca, feigning fliration, moved in and bit off Ridvan's left ear. As Ridvan staggered backward, Igrenax launched himself from Ridvan's pauldron and tore at Rebecca's face and throat, brutally slaying the Queen of Buern before returning to the War King's shoulder. With Rebecca's death, power over Buern fell to her uncle, Royal Duke Xander Woodwillow, who was then the Royal Duke of Raha, far to the north and across the watery channel that divided Elzveir.

King Ridvan threw the Queen of Buern down onto the stone steps beyond her palace and loudly declared his victory. With this proclamation, he told Queen Rebecca Woodwillow that she must rescind the throne and surrender to him if she wished to live. The queen, instead, slowly rose to her feet and approached King Ridvan, suggesting a different proposition: that they wed and unite their kingdoms under one banner. King Ridvan, who had been looking to strengthen his family's claim to the throne by marrying and having children, genuinely considered the proposition as Queen Rebecca neared him and told him of the respect she'd gained for him as a warrior during his siege on her city. When she was close enough to whisper in his ear, she whispered one final slur and dug her teeth into the cartilage, tearing Ridvan's ear away from his head as Ridvan struggled to get her away from him.   As Ridvan and Rebecca staggered away from one another on the steps, Igrenax pushed himself from Ridvan's shoulder, flapped his wings, and alighted on Rebecca's face. With a flurry of claws and fangs, the little green dragon rended the flesh from Rebecca's face, exposing the gore-coated skull beneath. As she lay there, dying, Igrenax returned to his master and spat out a bit of blood and green fire. Ridvan, enraged, kicked Queen Rebecca's dying form down the steps and shouted out his victory once again, commanding the remaining soldiers of Aerdis and Buern to lay down their arms and surrender.   With Rebecca's death, power fell immediately to Royal Duke Xander Woodwillow, who was presiding over the far northern city of Raha across the watery channel that divided Elzveir.

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