Victory Celebration in Fainarr Capital

Cultural event

30/1 20:00

Following their declared victory over Grozav (the result of Grozav's destruction at the hands of the Unknowables), King Li'Behr VIII held a victory celebration in Fainarr Capital, within Castle Basaran. Nobles from all over Fainarr were present for this, and some of Fainarr's international allies were present too. Among them was the man who would assassinate the king later that evening.

So confident in their victory was Fainarr that they loudly proclaimed it across Aen, having magical messages sent to allies and enemies alike. Most ignored the letters, particularly those outside of Aduna. Those within Aduna were mostly annoyed and disgusted that Fainarr would seize the opportunity presented by a global crisis (the return of the Unknowables). Still, some of Fainarr's allies were more than eager to attend, as were those few nations who wished to be allies of Fainarr.   Local and international attendees arrived for the gala in the city on Daith 30th, eager to rub shoulders with others of station and power in an event they never thought they would see: an end to the war with Grozav.

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