Grozav Destroyed

Disaster / Destruction


During the Reckoning, the floating city that would one day crash into Elzveir to form Cyfrolaef ripped key cities from the nation of Grozav into the sky. Fainarr, who had been in constant conflict with Grozav for hundreds of years prior, viewed this as a victory for their side, declaring that they had conquered the Grozavar people.

In the year 1415, the city of Cor'Athvaarn returned to Aen via a new rift, helmed by Urguzuth, now freed from his prison. Urguzuth began at the settlement of Fjern in Degera and tore across Aen at a rapid pace, ripping through Degera and Olsclav before reaching Grozav, where he and his siblings had been defeated by Judecata and Dragoste over a thousand years ago. Cor'Athvaarn assimilated numerous cities and villages on its warpath and, upon reaching Grozav, successfully sundered it and left behind only bleak craters of obsidian.   Fainarr, having been in constant war with Grozav for several hundred years prior, decided to declare this a victory for their kingdom. Far and wide, Fainarran soldiers declared that they had conquered Grozav and began the long journey home to eastern Aduna.

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