Second Naval Attack by Fainarr

Military: Battle


Fainarr ran a second naval assault in the Halen Ocean. This time, Ridvan accompanied the fleet and personally led the attack, alongside his young dragon. Ridvan won this battle despite his significantly smaller numbers, forcing Queen Rebecca to turn her ship around and return to the capital city of Buern, Beldapor.

Fainarr ran a second naval assault in the Halen Ocean. This time, Ridvan accompanied the fleet and personally led the attack alongside his young dragon. While Igrenax was still too small to be of much use, the mere sight of Ridvan accompanied by a dragon was enough to frighten Ridvan's enemies. Ridvan added new legends to his tale that day, slaughtering foes with his battleaxe while commanding magicks previously unseen, further proof that he had received gifts from Revansa. Ridvan won the day, slaying his enemies, destroying their ships, and forcing Queen Rebecca to turn her ship around and return to Beldapor, the Capital City of Buern. Aerdis and Zukei had soldiers stationed there as well, but instead of following the queen to the capital, Ridvan and his remaining ships held their formation south of Buern, a few kilometers out of range of the capital city's defensive trebuchets and cannons.

Related Location
Halen Ocean
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