Assault on Es'Theran Palace

Military: Battle

9/8 8:00
9/8 11:00

King Ridvan, War King of Fainarr, led the remains of his military up the steps to Es'Theran Palace. With a battering ram, they broke down the doors. With iron, they slew the remaining soldiers. Upon finding Queen Rebecca's safe room, King Ridvan slew her guards, disarmed her, and dragged the queen out to the streets of Beldapor. Behind him, Es'Theran Palace was set ablaze.

King Ridvan had sustained minimal injuries during the siege, with most of his wounds brought by arrows during his row to shore. Ridvan declined healing from clerics and medics, choosing instead to march immediately up the steps to Es'Theran Palace. He and his remaining soldiers brought down the doors of palace and slew the soldiers within. After a great deal of searching and slaughter, they found the safe room where Queen Rebecca and her bodyguards were bunkering. Ridvan and his soldiers slew the soldiers and brought Queen Rebecca out to the city of Beldapor.   Zukein and Aerdan soldiers were still fighting against Fainarran infantry in the city, but were quickly losing that battle, their own minimal battle experience proving fatal. As Ridvan emerged from Es'Theran Palace with Rebecca in custody, the sound of a horn indicated retreat for the Zukein soldiers, who left the battlefield and began the journey home. Fainarran troops did not give chase, but instead continued the fight against the remaining Aerdan troops, who did not receive an order to retreat.

Related Location
Es'Theran Palace
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