Arrival of the Unknowables

Metaphysical / Paranormal event

16/9 13:00

Immediately after the Mordan Sovereignty created the first rift between realities, a horrific, towering monstrosity emerged from it, larger even than Mount Gikwar itself. The being, which would later be dubbed Urguzuth, warped the minds of the sovereignty's members to such a degree that they succumbed to a madness hereunto unfathomed.

Once the rift was created, the dreadful horror Urguzuth, the Eldest Evil, stepped out of it and into the reality of Aen. This towering, vaguely humanoid creature twisted the minds and bodies of the members of the Mordan Sovereignty unfortunate enough to witness it. The result was a horde of terrifying, clawed humanoid beings dripping with a dark, tar-like substance. Their faces and stomachs were a vacant, hungry void that threatened to consume all who drew near to them. These beings, which would later be called Zuthans by scholars of this phenomenon, flew through the air and commanded the same horrible magicks that the prior owners of their bodies had once utilized to their own ends.   Behind the Zuthans were Urguzuth and his many siblings Brakal, Chaagon, Palavokva, Pholgru, Suryphia, Vragzi, and Vaelzi, each colossal horror emerging through the rift the Mordan Sovereignty had conjured. Such a seismic shift in the state of the natural world alerted the gods of Aen, who immediately sought to intervene by sending forth their avatars, wards, and paladins.

Related Location
Mount Gikwar
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