Last Stand of the Gods

Military: Battle


The gods made their final stand against the Unknowables in Grozav, where half of it had already been laid to waste. Judecata, having learned that her moonlight seemed the only thing capable of harming the eldritch horrors, had crafted special weapons for her most powerful celestial warriors. Over the course of a week-long battle, many of the Unknowables were slaughtered, but Palavokva escaped, Suryphia merged with Judecata and was expelled as a newborn deity, and Urguzuth could not be destroyed, only sealed away in a temporary prison. Still, the battle was won and the Unknowables were sealed away for an indeterminate amount of time.

In Grozav, Judecata and Dragoste stood against the onslaught of Unknowables with an army of platinum scalefolk and other paladins. Judecata, meanwhile, had armed her most trusted celestials with special weapons crafted from pure moonlight and forged by Moradin, God of Dwarves and the Fiery Forge. These weapons seemed to be the only things capable of harming the Unknowables, as uncovered by the Caedwaladr family.   There in Grozav, the weapons proved to be immensely powerful, nearly bringing down some of the Elder Evils in a single blow.

Nahaliel's Bow

Nahaliel, one of Judecata's celestials, used her moonlit recurve bow to fire an arrow of pure lunar energy into Pholgru, a dark void in the heavens. The void became filled with moonlight that exploded out through the bright cracks above. Urguzuth, enraged at seeing the first of his siblings fall, assaulted Nahaliel and drove her to madness. The celestial dropped her bow, which was then stolen away by soldiers from Fainarr as a "prize" for their king.

Empyrea's Rapier

Empyrea, the most skilled swordswoman of Judecata, drove her blade of moonlight into Chaagon, who was turned to brilliant white dust. In the process, however, the blade absorbed Chaagon's essence and some of his eldritch abilities. Since then, the weapon has turned everything it touches to dark, cracked obsidian. It was gifted to the Queen of Sclav, Daughter of King Gideon, as thanks for that kingdom providing aid to Judecata and Dragoste.

Lavina's Axe

Lavina, an enormous, muscular angel, wielded her axe to split the iron hides of Vragzi and Vaelzi. She cleaved their heads from their shoulders. The steel bodies of these Unknowables caused the axe's edge to become dulled and nearly unusable, and so it was gifted to the Caedwaladry family in gratitude for their efforts in studying the Unknowables to uncover their weaknesses.

Sofiel's Ring

Sofiel, having never been much of a warrior, used her magicks to destroy their enemies. She used her ring to call forth brilliant moonlight. Beams of lunar energy cleaved through the armies Urguzuth and his siblings had created, destroying hundreds of them at a time without effort. When this was finished, Sofiel chose to return the ring to the dwarven god who had made it, who then bestowed it upon the Dwarven King as thanks for their efforts in the unexpected battle against the Unknowables.

Rachiel's Sacrifice

Judecata, aiming to seal Urguzuth away, was in the midst of crafting a powerful prison for the Unknowable when Suryphia the Mad Sister attacked her, pulling Judecata's mind apart and stepping into it herself with some manner of otherworldly magic. The valkyrie Rachiel, wielding a halberd of brilliant moonlight, rushed forward in a frenzy and pierced Suryphia's heart. Half of Suryphia perished then while the other half remained within Judecata for the time being. Brakal, furious at seeing his sister destroyed and further angered by the sign that they were likely losing this battle, send a swarm of locusts to consume Rachiel's body. The halberd then fell to the ground, its clattering unheard over the din of the battle. Palavokva saw the blade fall as well as many of his siblings. He snatched up the halberd and fled the battle in secret, sleeping away without anyone realizing until it was too late.

Kezef's Blade

Kezef, watching his sister fall to the ground, felt the same rage that Brakal had just expressed. He clashed with Brakal, the two entangled in melee warfare that saw them both fall simultaneously. Kezef's blade was buried in a stump to mark his grave, positioned in Wood Et'Laterna within a glade Kezef had frequented, bathed each night in moonlight even amidst cloudy days and storms.

Urguzuth Sealed

Judecata ripped Suryphia's remaining half out of her heart and mind, throwing a strange creature onto the battle-torn earth of Grozav. The thing seemed part goddess, part Unknowable, and it scrambled away to seek refuge in the shadows. In time, it would come to be the goddess Erindre, who would believe herself to be Judecata's sister, having no memory of her existence as an Unknowable. With Suryphia removed from her body, Judecata refocused her efforts on sealing Urguzuth. Strangely, the being did not resist. He showed no remorse or concern as the seal enveloped him. If anything, he appeared confident as the seal encompassed him. Once the prison was formed, Judecata sent the prison and the city of Cor'Athvaarn into the heart of Mania. She knew the battle wasn't truly over, but hoped she had bought Aen at least a bit of time before the war with the Uknowables resumed.

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