Steeljoint Extermination Decree

Political event


The Steeljoint Extermination Decree by King Ridvan Basaran was an effort to eliminate the presence of steeljoints in Fainarr, its territories, and ultimately all of Aen. While it wasn't successful in the latter effort, the former was successful due to strong military action on Fainarr's part, but most other nations were ready and willing to accept the steeljoints into the populace in spite of Fainarr's efforts.

Believing a conspiracy between steeljoints to be a deciding factor in his father's death, King Ridvan Basaran issued a decree that all steeljoints--regardless of model--need be exterminated and would be prohibited with Fainarr and its territories. The campaign included a great deal of propaganda sown throughout Aen, with flyers and hired circulators spreading dissent toward the steeljoints across the world. The propaganda had mixed success; while the common people were likely to develop a fear of the machines, the wealthier Aenish peoples had found them to be quite useful for numerous mundane tasks and weren't about to surrender them. Fainarr was able to push steeljoints out of its own territories, but they had little to no effect on steeljoint presence in other nations. During this time, most of the steeljoints in Aduna fled to Degera, though some sought transport by sea to other continents.   For those stragglers who remained in Fainarr, a special order of soldiers and mercenaries, dubbed Fainarran Forge, was created at a later date. These specially-trained killers were equipped with the tools and abilities needed explicitly to hunt and kill steeljoints.

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