Ridvan Basaran Crowned King of Fainarr

Political event

3/2 22:00

Prince Ridvan Basaran, the second (and only still-living) son of Li'Behr VIII), was officially crowned King of Fainarr shortly after his father's assassination was publicized. Ridvan brought significant war experience to the table, having sought his fame and fortune on the battlefield when under the impression his older brother would be king.

Prince Ridvan Basaran, second son of Li'Behr (and the only living immediate heir to the throne, as his elder brother Li'Behr IX had passed some years earlier), was crowned King of Fainarr not long after his father's death. Ridvan had never expected to become king and had thus sought to claim glory on the battlefield during the perpetual war with Grozav. He accomplished this time and again, repeatedly proving his strength and prowess on the front lines. While some were uncertain of the new king's ability to rule Fainarr from a political and diplomatic standpoint, no one questioned that he was the right man to lead the kingdom into war... which he certainly did. For his extensive knowledge of warfare, Ridvan quickly earned the title of War King. He proved the accuracy of this title time and again, displaying his excellence as a commander and tactician at every turn during his reign.

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