Morda is Created

Life, Birth

6/3 16:00

Sorovea creates the Six Charybdie, of whom Morda is the first. Morda establishes the Aquatic Domain as his home.

Early in Aen's history, the deities were creating all manner of creature. It was Sorovea who crafted the first Charybdis. This race of aquatic monstrosities was gifted eternal life and unmatched intelligence. In the beginning, Sorovea created six Charybdie (plural of Charybdis). These beings were Morda, Druh, Tret, Vrt, Peth, and Setn. These leviathans of Aen claimed portions of the seas for themselves, descending down into the depths of the Abyssal domain. Morda did not follow suit with his siblings. Instead, he traveled to the Aquatic Domain, using magic to pull himself out of the Prime Domain into this world of endless water. He called it his own and therein developed his own world and societies, occasionally reaching back into the Prime Domain to call forth new servants.

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