Fainarr Declares War on Buern

Military: War


King Ridvan Basaran makes an official declaration of war against Buern, much to the frustration of Aen's populace--including some Fainarran citizens.

After discovering that all documentation provided by Buern regarding Ambassador Gwayne Selevant was falsified (and that the identity of Gwayne Selevant was in fact a falsehood, as the man had never existed) Fainarr made an official declaration of war with Buern. This was met with frustration not only by other nations, but by the people of Fainarr itself.   Some members of Fainarr's war council privately implied that Ridvan had been cautioned against war with Buern, as the evidence that Gwayne never existed was actually proof that Gwayne had not been sent by Buern. However, Ridvan was already predisposed to war with Buern for a number of reasons, with the two foremost reasonings being that he wanted meaningful vengeance for his father's death and that Rebecca had insulted him during their meeting a few days prior.   While many of Fainarr's soldiers were not eager to go to war over a personal vendetta of their new king, the amount of actual desertion from the Fainarran military was negligible. Most bought into the anti-Buernish propaganda spread by Fainarr, giving them their own rage against the Elzveiran nation. Not long after the war with Grozav ended, Fainarran soldiers were ready to sail north to take on a new enemy.

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