Arrival of Ambassador Gwayne Selevant

Life, Publicity

30/1 21:00

Ambassador Gwayne Selevant from the nation of Buern in Elzveir arrives at the victory celebration in Fainarr and seeks a private audience with the King of Fainarr. It remains unclear how he and his Zelian steeljoint attendant secured this private audience with the king, but it would soon spell the death of the king of Fainarr.

Ambassador Gwayne Selevant from Buern arrives at the victory celebration in Fainarr later in the evening. Gwayne Selevant claimed to be a purveyor of magical artifacts and wished to see what was in the vaults of Castle Basaran, which the royal family had always boasted held incredible items the likes of which had never been seen. Gwayne was accompanied by a Zelian steeljoint--a sign of his status to most, as steeljoints had only become available as aides in the past year.   Gwayne sought an audience with King Li'Behr who willingly obliged. It is yet unclear how a mere Ambassador was able to gain a private council with the king, though common theories suggest that it was the king's own steeljoint aide, a reyan model, suggested that the king accept. This theory comes from Fainarr itself, which would later accuse that reyan model (and all steeljoints) of conspiracy.

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