The Eastward March

Military action

22/6 13:00
8/7 19:00

While Ridvan and his naval fleet were holding the line south of Beldapor in Halen Ocean, several hundred foot soldiers of Ridvan's were stealthily moving from Chwahwr through the Esther Savannah, then south to Beldapor. The journey took well over a week, but a mage sent a magical missive to Ridvan once they were in position in the trees surrounding Beldapor.

Ridvan remained where he was in Halen, keeping his ships out of Beldapor's reach. They remained where they were for several days, with no indication of their intent. It wasn't necessarily a siege--no attacks were levied, and there was no intervention of resources sent into Beldapor by the roads between Buern and Aerdis. Queen Rebecca, Emperor Otagi, and King Milas Ahren of Aerdis debated what Ridvan was doing but failed to figure it out in time.   Ridvan had numerous foot soldiers stealthily moving through Westwood, having docked in Chwahwr and ascended the cliff face there in Cyfrolaef, where the city of Cor'Athvaarn had crashed a few months prior yet had not fully corrupted the region yet. Nearly a thousand hand-selected soldiers carefully moved through the land of Buern until they were just a short way from Beldapor, hidden in the trees to the north. Once there, a previously appointed mage notified King Ridvan that the soldiers were in position via a magical missive.   Come nightfall, the assault on Beldapor would commence.

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