Establishment of the Mordan Sovereignty



While Morda has always had followers, his most powerful order of followers was established in the year 27 with the Mordan Sovereignty, an order of powerful wizards exiled from Rasariit for their dark studies and ill pursuits.

Morda's psychic capabilities had always allowed him to amass followers, whom he brought into the Aquatic Domain to serve them, granting blessings that allowed them to survive in the bottomless sea he called home. However, in the year 27, Morda secured his most powerful followers yet: a group of defectors and exiles from the renowned city of knowledge, Rasariit, capital of Mancaria in Aduna. The incredible knowledge of these elven mages accelerated Morda's understanding of the world and led to an exciting discovery: there were other worlds beyond what was known. Endless worlds. They were just outside of his grasp, but he knew he could find a way to access them. If he could access those other worlds and the knowledge therein, Morda was confident that he could ascend beyond mere godhood. He could become powerful enough to kill or even enslave his creator, Sorovea.   In these days, magic was still wild, untamed, and poorly understood. Its wild and unpredictable nature rendered it nearly impossible to control in this day and age, at least in a manner that could be understood. In this bizarre, malleable state of magic in the world, Morda's success in bridging the gap between worlds seemed likely.

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