Degera Obliterated

Disaster / Destruction


The Unknowables rage across Degera, the southernmost nation of Aduna. Any settlement touched during their warpath was ripped into the sky to become part of a vile, conglomerate city that scholars would later call Cor'Athvaarn. The Unknowables continue to march with a vast army amassed of the twisted corpses of their fallen enemies.

Urguzuth and his siblings created an enormous city in the sky. Rather than being comprised of their own construction, however, this city was a conglomeration of all the settlements that the Unknowables were destroying on the rampage through the nation of Degera in southern Aduna. Within mere days, every settlement in the vast snowy region was destroyed. Paladins and other warriors chosen by the gods were slain easily, their bodies twisted and turned into zuthans who joined up alongside the Mordan Sovereignty.

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