King Ridvan Meets with Queen Rebecca Woodwillow

Gathering / Conference


In an effort to maintain peace between their nations, Queen Rebecca Woodwillow brought an escort to Fainarr and met with King Ridvan Basaran and his war council. She provided all the evidence she could that Buern was not involved in the assassination of Ridvan's father while assuring Ridvan that if it was war he wanted, she would hold her own.

Rumors that Fainarr would soon officially declare war against Buern for its alleged involvement in Li'Behr VIII's death were circulating across Aen. This prompted an in-person visit from Queen Rebecca Woodwillow herself as a show of good faith on her part. She and her advisors met with King Ridvan and his war council. During the war council, Queen Rebecca presented the King of Fainarr with what she believed to be ample evidence of the fact that Gwayne Selevant had acted alone. She provided every document she could regarding the supposed ambassador and swore on her life that Gwayne had not been sent on national orders. Additionally, she told him that she had her own national search party out searching for the supposed assassin and that the Selevant family had already been imprisoned until Gwayne was found.   Before ending the council, Queen Rebecca is said to have issued a warning to King Ridvan, promising him that if he chose to proceed with a war with her nation, he would finally see his first "real battle". Various accounts of what exactly was said between her and Ridvan remain unclear, though members of the council from both Buern and Fainarr have suggested that Queen Rebecca greatly injured Ridvan's pride by insulting his battle prowess on multiple occasions during the meeting.

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