Sato Maku

The Maku is the smallest exploration vessel from the manufacturer Sato Industries , known mainly for its scientific and industrial vehicles.  This is one of the ships new players can start with, intended for science characters itching to explore.   Advanced Sensors
The Maku comes with an advanced sensor suite built-in, as part of the sleek craft's nose.  The suite gives the ship excellent multi-spectrum and gravimetric sensor capability to a range of 200 million miles, or a little over 2 AUs. Larger ships can have a greater range, but in its size class, this is amazing sensor capability, far outstripping that of the Specter, Erie, or Starseer.   Handling
The Maku has a maneuverability rank of A. Its pitch and attitude controls are especially responsive and precise, and its yaw controls are only slightly worse.  Even fighter pilots can enjoy flying this sports car in space.    Hard Points:
The Maku has one small hard point, located on its top, slightly forward of center. It doesn't come pre-loaded with any weapons.    Ship Interior
Sato Industry ships are notoriously cramped, as though they are made for individuals who are smaller than average.  The Maku is no exception. At the front is the cockpit, which some have argued is the most comfortable part of the ship. It exits at the rear on the port side to a narrow corridor running along the port side of the ship.  Along this corridor, one can find two narrow cabins, with pretty much no difference between them.   These rooms are so small that the beds fold up against the wall, and one has to fold up their bed to access their dresser on the far side of the room.   Further down the corridor, there is the tiny wash room, the equally compact kitchen and galley, and finally the tiny storage closet. before the rear airlock.   What is Next
A captan looking to upgrade from teh Sato Maku, and planning on sticking with science-oriented vessels will be upgrading to a Search and Rescue ship. Sato Industreis sells the only model in Authroity space, called the Tenshi. In Federation space, there are two options, the Cresent Moon Yologi, and the Varna Iguana.
Manufacturer: Sato Industries    Class: Maku   Type:  Small Exploration Vessel   Size Class: Small   Retail Price:  60,000 ISC   Lenth: 20 feet   Width: 10 feet   Height:  7.5 feet   Standard Shield Rating: 120   Stndard Armor Rating:  30