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Of all the mythical creatures found in the Collandrin System, dragons are considered to be the most majestic and impressive. These legendary creatures have the ability to adapt to even the harshest environments and come in various forms and sizes, ranging from tiny to large.   Contrary to popular belief, dragons are not ectothermic (cold-blooded) but are in fact endothermic (warm-blooded). This means that they do not require an external heat source to maintain their body temperature, instead, they generate heat through metabolic heat production. While all dragons possess scales or scutes, not all species are capable of flight. Some arboreal species have more primitive wing structures used for gliding from tree to tree or in the case of the aquatic species, wing structures have evolved for swimming and propulsion underwater. There are even some terrestrial species that have no wings at all and rely on other dominant anatomical features, such as powerful limbs and tails or elongated muscular bodies made for burrowing or slithering.    

Dragons in the Collandrin System can be classified into 6 categories:

    1. Aerial Dragons

The most common type of dragon found in the Collandrin System. They spend most of their time in the air and have exceptionally well-developed wings that can maintain prolonged flight, preferring to be airborne for hunting and patrolling their large territories. They do, however, still feed, sleep and nest on land.
    2. Terrestrial Dragons

These flightless dragons live predominantly or entirely on land. They rely on highly developed sensory organs, strong limbs, or long muscular bodies for hunting and movement. This category also includes a subcategory for subterranean terrestrial dragons.
    3. Aquatic Dragons

These dragons live solely in different water environments, such as oceans, seas, rivers and lakes. They have specialized respiratory organs that allow them to breathe underwater and are excellent swimmers.
    4. Arboreal Dragons

These dragons spend most of their life in trees, this is where they feed, breed, and sleep. They possess primitive, feathered wing structures that allow them to glide effortlessly from tree to tree, but cannot sustain any form of prolonged flight. They have specially designed anisodactyl-like foot structures (3 toes facing forward and 1 toe facing backwards - each with claws) ideal for clinging on to branches.
    5. Amphibious Dragons

These dragons have the ability to live both on land and in water. This is due to the fact that they have developed 2 methods of respiration. When they are submerged, respiration takes place through a specially designed membranous tissue that covers their scales. They also have a fully developed set of lungs that allows them to breathe on land.
    6. Extraterrestrial Dragons

Also known as “Wandering dragons”. These nomadic dragons are extremely rare and mysterious. Where they came from and how they originated is unclear, but what is apparent is that they have been magically altered to survive in both open space and the atmospheres of all five planets. They are able to create their own portals and often hitch rides on passing asteroids. These dragons are magivores (magic-eaters) and are capable of sensing magical energy from great distances. They feed by siphoning and absorbing the essence of any magical source they can find.

Recently, a lot of discussion has taken place about the addition of a 7th category for Bio-Engineered Cyber Dragons. However, the scientific community is divided on this issue as many doubt the existence of this experimental species. Although, there have been some extremely odd rumors surfacing on Zater 9NQ5 lately…    

The following species can be found in the Collandrin System:

  • Elorian Dragons
  • Kresties
  • Magmatorian Dragons
  • Nyrixian Dragons
  • Sustrals
  • Cruunusian Dragons

  • Basic Information

    Genetics and Reproduction

    In most dragon species, females tend to be larger than their male counterparts. This size difference occurs for two reasons. Firstly, there are only a few species that rely on male-male combat in order to win breeding rights. Secondly, all female dragons are Oviparous (lay eggs) and need larger bodies to accommodate their eggs. Clutch sizes generally range from 3 to 8 eggs and incubation periods vary between species. Despite their fierce reputation, dragons are actually very nurturing and protective parents and tend to care for the young for several months or even years in some cases.

    Dietary Needs and Habits

    All dragon species in the Collandrin System are carnivores. Their diets vary based on their home planet, food availability and their size. Larger dragons require several hundred kilograms of food per day to maintain their weight and body temperature.

    Additional Information

    Social Structure

    The social structure of dragons varies between species and is influenced by several factors - prey size and availability being one of the biggest. Most of the larger dragons are solitary and highly territorial due to the amount of food required to sustain them. While many of the smaller species tend to be more sociable and have more complex relationships, many relying on their numbers for hunting (taking down larger prey) and survival.

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