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Vashki of Kortos

female human ex-nomad

A Sarkorian expatriate and mother of Cara. She had her first child, Cara, shortly before leaving Brevoy and her second, Havazhi, while touring the Isle of Kortos. She has settled down in the outskirts of Absalom for the time being, but still has an adventurous spark in her. Unexpectedly quick with a bow and blade, Vashki is deceptively kinder looking than her weathered and scarred husband, but considerably more serious and critical of things around her. She was the first to balk at the idea of Cara raising a cheetah cub away from his coalition, although once they began to bond, Vashki refused to let Cara avoid any of the realities of raising a pet like a member of the family. She is also the most stubbornly religious of the family, with a small shrine to several of the old Sarkorian gods taking up an out-of-the-way corner in a North-facing window.



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