
Former player character

While human, Declan grew up as part of a dwarf clan in Mirabar and eventually became an assassin for them. This is also what would eventually become his undoing.   For a while, Declan travelled with the Fate Watchers as they secured Phandalin from the Redbrands bandits. But once the group gound their supposed employer Gudrun Rockseeker in the ruins of Cragmaw Castle, Declan's tru intentions became clear and he tried to assassinate the dwarf. The rest of the Fate Watchers undid the act and quickly appreended Declan.   Two of Declan's handlers showed up soon afterwards and demanded him to be handed over. He was but took off running instead. As a result, he was killed in the skirmish.
1455 DR 1489 DR 34 years old


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