
Every settlement, town, and city needs someone to make sure that whatever rules exist are followed. That those who break the rules are brought to justice. Some places have more rigid rules, but as soon as there's a single one - you need someone to make sure that it's upheld. Exactly what guards are allowed to do in the line of duty varies a lot, however.



Usually, guards need to bale able to use some sort of weaponry. And, of course, they need an understanding of the law they are supposed to uphold. Exactly what other things are required vary from place to place.

Career Progression

Guards usually have very distinct military-style ranks that mark their progression.

Other Benefits

In some jurisdictions, guards have an easier time getting away with some crimes (such as breaking and entering) because they are assumed to be trustworthy enough that it was probably warranted. In others, guards are held to a much higher standard than others, and any transgression is grounds for immediate dismissal.



Usually, a guard is equipped with a ranged weapon, a melee weapon, a shield, and light or medium armour. They will also carry things required for their specific duties, such as manacles or medicine kits.
Alternative Names


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