Order of the Gauntlet

This faction consists mostly of clerics and paladins and borrowed most of their ideals from Tyr, Helm, Torm and Hoar. Members consider each other brethren and anyone who has proven themselves to the order is trusted implicitly. The organization is seen as the ultimate force for fighting evil, wherever it rears its head. But they will also not strike before an evil act has been committed, giving everyone a chance to change their mind.   The loyalty between members of the order is extraordinary and there are no real "lone wolves". Even agents that act separately from the rest of the order consider themselves part of it and merely on a mission.


There are five main ranks within the Order, from lowest to highest:
  1. Chevall
  2. Marcheon
  3. Whitehawk
  4. Vindicator
  5. Righteous Hand
  This, however, is a gross simplification. There are multiple sub-orders within the Order of the Gauntlet that tackle specific threats or deal with specific methods, and those might either have their own internal ranks or use the ranks in a different way.

Public Agenda

Faith is the greatest weapon against evil— faith in one’s god, one’s friends, and one’s self. Battling evil is an extraordinary task that requires extraordinary strength and bravery. Punishing an evil act is just. Punishing an evil thought is not.   These are the basic tenants of the Order of the Gauntlet. This means identifying evil threats such as secretive power groups and inherently evil creatures, watching over them, and being ready to attack the moment they misbehave.


Temples and resources dedicated to any of the gods who support the Order are usually at its disposal if needed. And the Order carries a lot of respect in many communities.


Compared to the other major factions, the Order of the Gauntlet is relatively new, formed during the Spellplague to combat the rise of monsters.
Religious, Holy Order

Character flag image: by D&D Official


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