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Colossi of the Void

Technically, either all Colossi are 'of the Void,' or none are, as all of them came to Aiaos out of that primaeval nothingness, but it is no more their native home than it is any other being's.   There are numberless beings in the cosmos that would be considered Colossi, of which only a few dozen ever came to Aiaos. Others, perhaps the most powerful, renown beyond the Voidskin, but are capable of exerting an influence even at unfathomable distances. These entities are visible from the surface of Aiaos as bright lights in the night sky. These 'Evil Stars' are not fixed, but move slowly across the sky, with their irregular appearances considered signs of dire omen.   These beliefs are not without foundation. The appearances of Gorgo, the so-called Red Star of Hunger, have long been associated with the activity of destructive cults, the veneration of Colossal relics, and the whispered name 'Hadar.' Gorgo is not the only star to whisper blasphemies across the kid, and many cultures across the dome recognise the names they speak, ascribing them usually, with unknowing optimism, to dead gods or fiends.   As well as inspiring cults and warlocks, the Evil Stars are associated with natural disasters, civil disruptions and even wars. All of these are in part the result of the influence of the distant Colossi, seeking to weaken the boundaries that keep them out.  

Gorgo, Red Star of Hunger; emanation of Hadhyar the Insatiate Will (called Hadar)

Known and feared on many worlds, Hadar is a Colossus of immense power, either the strongest of all, or in some cosmic sense closer to Aiaos than the others in the Void. It is visible in the night sky during the winter months as the Red Star, Gorgo, a livid, crimson light dwarfing the lesser stars. Hadar is the only Colossus commonly recognised by Aiaosian authorities as a material threat, although it is rarely refered to as a colossus, but rather as an evil god or Archdevil, a perception which significantly underplays its power.   Cultists of Hadar have a singular sense of purpose, almost of unity, incited by the driving influence of the Colossus. These cults tend to form around crystalline relics, within which fragments of the Red Star’s light flicker. Known variously as the Eyes of Hadar, the Lidless Truths, the Bloody Knowings or many other names, the light of these crystals catches the eye, the mind and the soul. While there are some whose unrestrained appetites create a natural sympathy with Hadar, most of those who follow are ‘infected’ by these crystals. Sometimes this manifests openly, but others barely realise what has happened to them, until the next time the Red Star rises.   While Gorgo shines, those in tune with its terrible power are afflicted with dreams of ravening hunger, and feel themselves driven to commit vile acts which they believe – always incorrectly – will sate those hungers. Under the gaze of the Red Star, they perform rites of sacrifice and desecration intended - whether they know it or not - to weaken the Web of Fate and the Elemental Boundary and allow Hadar to consume all of Aiaos.  

Ataxes, White Star of Cruelty; emanation of Shaxxan, the Unfettered Torment (called Shahn)

Only visible in the last nights of autumn, the White Star's light is unwavering and unforgiving. Few regard it, but it can come to obsess those who give it notice, its gleam becoming a constant, nagging doubt that erodes all trust and empathy. Cultists of Shaxxan are almost always small, and brutally hierarchical, their members bound by fear and obedience, rather than by trust. Beneath the White Star's bright gleam, cultists commit acts of unspeakable cruelty, violations of social and emotional norms which create a beacon to guide Shahn to Aiaos.  

Vandas, Golden Star of Destruction; emanation of Agoloth, the Unravelling Gyre (called Agathys)

At high summer, the Golden Star gleams dully, the emanation of the colossus Agoloth, one of the most purely destructive beings in any world or existence. It whispers the name of the colossus into susceptible minds, those already predisposed towards violence. Cultists of Shahn wear the Golden Star as a hidden badge, or mark it with fire to 'sign' their atrocities. They revel in destruction, and when the Golden Star shines, they burn and break in the name of Algoloth. Although rarely long-lived, these cults can cause damage that affects a region for years to come.  

Charn, Ashen Star of Betrayal; emanation of Yadix, the Perfidious Vow (called Adis)

The Ashen Star, emanation of the subtle colossus Yadix, is a mysterious body, its appearance around the autumnal halfsky remarked only by mystics and astronomers. Even those who know nothing of its presence, however, know that this is the time of betrayal. The pale light of the star seems to illuminate secret ambitions and hidden malice, provoking paranoia and spurring those who heed its call to acts of gross treachery. Charn has no real cults, but many conspiracies work unwittingly to its glory.  

Biliya,the Corpse Star of Entropy; emanation of Malagan, the Unseen Inevitable (called Malgan)

The Corpse Star is a livid green light that shines close to the horizon on spring nights, its sickly light a reminder of mortality in the season of rebirth, as well as the emanation of the colossus Malagan. Nihilistic even by the standards of their ilk, cults of Malagan spread despair and disgust throughout communities which, if left unchecked, can lead to mass suicides which claim entire villages or towns.  

Ossifis, the Bone Star of Undeath; emanation of Saxidin, the Bleak Persistence (called Saxan)

As the summer solstice approaches, the Bone Star burns dull white in the eye of a skull-shaped nebula, thinning the veil between life and death. Scholars of the Colossi call the Bone Star the Eye of Saxidin, a colossus whose influence is said to have brought undeath into the World. It is in the high summer that necromancers do their most dreadful work, and the veil of the world is thinnest. Cults of Saxidin invariably dabble in necromancy. Many begin by seeking to contact dead loved ones, but soon progress to summonings and bindings. Their work tends towards the goal of eliminating the divide between life and death entirely, plunging the entire world into the Grim Plain, at best.  

Avenos, the Poison Star of Corruption; emanation of Zzyryx, the Toxic Luminence (Called Ryx)

Dull purple, mottled like a bruise, the Poison Star rises in the south west as winter fades, bringing sickness and infirmity. Its light is the corrupting influence of the colossus Zzyryx, a being whose nature brings decay and dissolution to material things. Cults of Zzyryx revel in sickness and corrosion, wielding acid, poison and disease as their weapons of choice. While the luminaries of a cult may go on for decades and travel widely, the bulk of its members in any given community will tend to be consumed periodically by cultivating and disseminating a virulent plague.  

Invidis, Green Star of Craving; emanation of Balasshar, the Ravening Knife (called Shale)

Brilliant emerald, the shining of the Green Star in the early summer night is linked to cult activity including theft and banditry. Balasshar, the colossus whose star it is, represents greed and a desire for material possessions unrelated to the value of those possessions. It is the need alone that the Green Star incites, irrespective of its focus. Cults of Balasshar are hoarders without purpose, gathering things valuable or worthless without discrimination in great altars formed of accreted stolen goods.  

Issa, the Lonely Star of Isolation; emanation of Okoth, the Unsullied Solitude (called Koth)

A dull red light in the late autumn sky, the Lonely Star, emanation of the Okoth, inspires no cults, but its rise is tied to rashes of suicides. Scholars speculate that Okoth belongs to some different order than the other colossi, which would mean that it has no other being like it anywhere in the cosmos.


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