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There are three periodic comets which cross the skies of Aiaos. These are believed to be celestial beings that exist in a state of hibernation, caught somewhere in the Web of Fate. In addition, the cluster of celestial bodies known as the Tears of Doraes have a periodic presence.  
  • The Wanderer – An erratic visitor to Aiaos, the Wanderer appears in the night sky in times of uncertainty, without any predictable period and travelling any unpredictable course. It is associated with travel, spontaneity and transition, unexpected visitors and unforeseen changes of fortune.
  • Ninewinters – The largest of Aiaos’ comets, Ninewinters is so-named because it appears in the south-west every ninth winter, six days before Midwinter, descending into the south-east eighteen days later. It stands for endings and new beginnings, cycles and planned travels.
  • Arrow of the North – A small, red-gold comet that travels almost directly due south from the Aurora to the Reef. It appears once every seven-thousand, three hundred and ninety-one days, which means that its seasonality varies between appearances. It is associated with plans and schedules, or cause and effect. Its meanings change according to the season when it appears.
  • The Tears of Doraes – not a single comet, the Tears are widely believed to be fragments of the Moon’s Chariot, broken off in a conflict with the Colossi late in the War which left the shadows still visible on the face of Doraes. There are seventeen known Tears, which cross the sky from the northwest to the southeast over the course of twelve days, once every twenty-seven years. They are associated with ruin and destruction, and the period of their passage is known by many names, including the Mourning, the Nights of Travail, and Sorrowtide.


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