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The constellations of Aiaos are patterns of Fixed Stars. The movement of Doraes, the Comets and the Transient Stars, both year-round and intermittent, through the constellations is seen as presenting omens. This astrology is primarily the preserve of the High Elves, although the names of the major constellations and the standard divisions of the sky all derive from titanic sources, which means that there is a broad consensus as to their forms and compositions.   Astrologists divide the sky over Aiaos into twelve arcs called signets, radiating from the position of coronet to the horizon. While there are many constellations in the sky, each signet has three signs most associated with it, lying entirely within the arc, one at the horizon, one at the meridian and one close to the coronal. The signet as a whole is named for the horizon sign, which is called the signatory.   The signets are grouped into four quarters, named for the four cardinal signets, those which encompass the elemental gates. The quarters are thus associated with the cardinal directions, and by extension with the elements and Elemental Planes, and also with the seasons. In addition, there are traits linked to these other associations that some believe will be possessed by children born when the moon in is the quarter.   The precession of the fixed stars means that the constellations are, as of Dr.83/72, 110 degrees sunwise of the original, but the signets continue to be named for those which occupy them at the beginning of each cycle.  

Articles under Constellations


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