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Divine Instruments

A Divine Instrument is any artefact that was imbued with power as a result of its creation for or use in a divine conflict. Often forged by, or with the guidance of, gods, they are among the most powerful of all known magical items, the stuff of legends and invariably burdened with a great destiny.   What marks Divine Instruments from common magical items is that their powers may wane, but are never lost. Even if they sink into an entirely powerless, quiescent state, when used in the performance of great deeds they can rouse, first to a dormant state – in which they have some, but unremarkable, power – before becoming fully awakened and even, if wielded in a great cause to mighty ends, ascendant.

Known Divine Instruments

  • The Godkillers – Three weapons fashioned by the Legion of old to slay their gods.
  • The Moon of the Storm-Herd – This bronze greataxe has a broad, double-bladed head. The horns of the blades meet at the top and connect around the haft to form an almost complete circle. The blades are etched with lightning bolts. The haft is fashioned of fire-blackened wood, carved with the seven times seven names of the Storm Cattle of Asteroth the Storm-Herd.
  • The Mother of Invention – This is a set of exceptional tinker’s tools, all finely made and seemingly never losing their edge or temper. Five of the tools are of unusual age and particular quality, and crafted of unearthly materials: A hammer of black steel, its handle bound in dragon hide; a scrimshaw knife of the same metal, its handle made of white wood and its blade inlaid with fluid quicksilver; a pick of rosey copper, again inlaid with a kind of quicksilver; an eyeglass of white metal, its lens made of polished, amber crystal; and a whetstone of white crystal.
  • The Subtle Echo – This lyre is carved from dark-honey coloured wood. Its pegs are coral and obsidian. The strings are silver. The arms and sound box are carved with sigils in a language indecipherable, their lines inlaid with amber. It seems to thrum softly at all times, as if stil resonating with its last chord.


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