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First Quarter, Kraken of the South

The southern quarter of the Sky belongs to the Kraken. The quarter is associated with the elemental plane of water. The moon rises in the southern quarter during the winter months.   Children born under the auspices of the winter signets are thought to be dispassionate, even callous, or temperamental and tempestuous, but also capable of being highly nurturing, devoted, adaptable and accommodating.  
12th Signet
Signet of the Bull
The 12th signet is the south-southwestern arc of the sky. As part of the first quarter, it is associated with water. The moon rises in the 12th in early winter. In formal astrology, the constellations of the 12th signet are the Bull, the Diamond and the Otter. Due to the precession, the actual constellations in the south-southwest are the Swan, the Reeds and the Fish.
The Bull
The Bull is the signatory of the 12th signet. It is formed of seven Stars, and traditionally depicted as the head a bull, full face. The brightest star in the constellation is the brilliant green star Ittern, situated on the brow. Astrologically, the Bull is associated with the tempestuous aspects of winter.
The Diamond
The Diamond stands at the meridian of the signet. The Diamond is formed of six stars, forming an image of a geometric gem which balances on the point of the bright, white star Ridl. The Diamond is said to connote detachment and insensitivity, but also resilience and precision.
The Otter
At the crown of the signet swims the Otter, curled around the blue flame of Leskis, also called the Shell. Like the Diamond, the Otter consists of six stars in total. The Otter is associated with the nurturing and accommodating astrological aspects of winter, and the concept of shelter in a storm.
1st Signet
Signet of the Kraken
The 1st signet, the starting point of the Aiaosian zodiac, lies in the south and is associated with water and the chill of midwinter. The constellations of the 1st signet are the Kraken, the Ship and the Dolphin. At the current point in the precession of the fixed stars, the actual constellations in the south are the Eagle, the Hound and the Tree.
The Kraken
Formed of eleven stars, the constellation of the Kraken is depicted as showing its namesake, standing on its tail, tentacles in the air. The dominant star of the constellation is Charada, or the Kraken's Heart, a large green star. The Kraken as a whole, and Charada in particular, are linked to the cruellest, harshest aspects of winter, and to the qualities of change and impermanence associated with water. The constellation is also linked to the extinct Eladrin.
The Ship
The Ship sails above the Kraken's waters, although wary mariners point out that she lists wildly to one side. Again formed of eleven stars, the Ship is anchored - so to speak - by Lodoss, the keel star, a bright, white star. The Ship is associated with adaptability and dispassionate judgement, as well as with travel, stories and the Sea Elves.
The Dolphin
The southern coronal is formed of seven stars, formed into the image of a dolphin. The constellation of the Dolphin stands for the Seafolk, and like the seafolk themselves is held in varying regard by land-dwellers. It can represent trust, but also treachery, and its primary meaning is linked to division.
2nd Signet
Signet of the Wolf
The 2nd signet is the south-southeastern arc of the sky. It is part of the First Quarter and associated with water and the thaws of late winter. According to formal astrology, this is the signet of the Wolf, the Fox and the Horse, but observation gives it instead to the Orchid, the Dancer and the Wheel.
The Wolf
The signatory of the 2nd signet is composed of ten stars, and is depicted as a running wolf. The pale blue light of Parad, the Wolf's Eye, outshines the rest of the constellation. The wolf represents the thaw, hunting, unity and travel. It represents the Orcs as a people. Parad in particular is seen as an omen of charm and easy relationships for children born in its time.
The Fox
Seven stars make up the Fox, including its bright, red eye, Andar. Unlike the active Wolf, the Fox is always depicted recumbent. The Fox is considered the most adaptablewinter sign. It represents inner conflict, and is often associated with the Halflings.
The Horse
The nine stars of the Horse stand ready at the crown of the 2nd signet, the brightest - Withe - flaring green at the shoulder. Like earthly horses, the constellation is claimed by both Hobgoblins and Humans, and stands for travel, especially the first forays of the coming spring.


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