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Fourth Quarter, Serpent of the West

The fourth quarter lies in the west, close to the elemental plane of earth, and belongs to the Serpent Constellation. The moon rises in the west during the autumn months. Those born in autumn are said to be stalwart and steadfast, hard workers and deep sleepers. They are resilient and stubborn, but also recalcitrant and intractable, sometimes insensitive, and hard to read or to grow close to.  
9th Signet
Signet of the Scythe
The 9th signet is anchored at the horizon by the Constellation of the Scythe. It is the west-northwest signet, aligned with the element of earth and the early autumn. The old astrology texts list the constellations of the 9th signet as the Scythe, the Wheatsheaf and the Plough, but the current occupants of the arc are the Kraken, the Ship and the Dolphin.
The Scythe
The Scythe is a simple form of five stars, including the bright blue star Mortis at the joint between the handle and the blade. The Scythe, and in particular Mortis, is associated with change, transitions and ending. It is also associated with hard work and recalcitrance.
The Wheatsheaf
Seven stars make up the Wheatsheaf, most notably Bilig, a bright, white star at the crossing of the three stalks. It is associated with leisure and resilience.
The Plough
The Plough is made up of six stars. The bright red star Okre at the leading point of the constellation is called the yoke of the Plough. Those born when Doraes is in the Plough are said to be hard-working, hard to read and insensitive.
10th Signet
Signet of the Serpent
The western signet belongs to the quarter-sign the Serpent of the West. It is an earth signet, and Doraes rises within its arc in mid-autumn. The formal Constellations of the 10th signet are the Serpent, the Trident and the Bridle, while the current constellations are the Wolf, the Fox and the Horse.
The Serpent
The Serpent is a constellation of eight stars. It has two stars of notable brightness: the green star Ophidon, or the Serpent's Tooth at the head, and the blue star Alalal at the tail. Alalal and the dimmer white and green stars Mititi and Ilikil form the 'Rattle,' all three stars being named for onomatopoeia of a snake's rattle. The Serpent is associated with the enigmatic, the stalwart and the distant. It is also tied to the legacy of the Giants, and to order and harmony.
The Trident
Seven stars make up the Trident, including the brilliant golden star Prim at the point of the central tine. The Trident is associated with intractability and insensitity, but also with a strong work ethic.
The Bridle
The bridle is a constellation of five stars, including the central white star known as the Bit The Bridle is associated with industry, reliability and loyalty.
11th Signet
Signet of the Bear
The 11th signet is ruled by the Constellation of the Bear. It is the west-southwest arc of the sky, where Doraes rises in the late autumn, and the last earth signet in the zodiac. According to formal texts, the constellations of the 11th signet are the Bear, the Hammer and the Unicorn, but the current signs are the Stag, the Archer and the Lantern.
The Bear
The Bear is a constellation of five stars, the brightest of which is the white star Scapu at the bear's shoulder. It is associated with deep sleep, transitions and stubbornness.
The Hammer
The Hammer consists of six stars, including Xok, the bright gold star at the base of the handle. It is associated with the Dwarfs , and with the arts of shaping, as well as industry and defence.
The Unicorn
The Unicorn is a constellation of six stars. Alicorn, a silver-white star at the tip of the horn, is the brightest in the western sky. The Unicorn is associated with mystery and remoteness.


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