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Ideogrammatic Orc

Ideogrammatic orc is a writing system used for Orcish. It is an ancilliary script to Lectogrammatic Orc, consisting of ideograms denoting core ideas in Orc philosophy.  


Classical orc philosophy sees certain concepts as central, foundational truths of the universe. Known as the fundamentals, they are linked to the basic nature of the world as it was when the The Primeval Gods created it.  
Ideogram Word Meanings Ideogram Word Meanings
khich Fire, north
whuzh water, south
shai air, east
rao earth, west
clayr red, blood, animals
zeru blue, ocean
obon white, breath
jhenk black, stone
shuk gold, sun
druk silver, moon
imbok light
bokim darkness
vas life
vask living, one who is alive
gazh death
gazha dead, one who is dead
vasak mortal, person
shakhar spirit, ghost
gazakh ancestor
Mogazakh the ancestral unity
ehat duty, service, virtue
vrash honesty, truth
oraku rebellion, resistance, deception
kizha destiny


While the fundamentals are the pure nature of Existence, manifestations are the ways in which that nature appears in the World.  
Ideogram Word Meanings Ideogram Word Meanings
akshal day
shalka night, star
shuksha dawn, beginning
shuknai dusk, ending
shukha midday
shalkai midnight
mokh world
vosh green, soil, plants
klazh storm
shaiar wind
barash thunder, cloud
barakul lightning (lit. thunder spear)
ra hand
ira fist
ilgo wolf/wolves, cooperation
ypai bat/bats, mobility
hrunth boar/boars, strength, also elephant
kruzh mountain
haj zenith, apex
horo nadir
nai fall
sha rise
aev large
vae small
daram shield, armour
kop helmet, head
mahsh sword
kula spear
jah axe
tral bow
shahm knife
lexel book, scroll, tablet (lit. read and write)
khrasmak tribal artwork, lineal totem
beriz farm
khavizh town, city (originally, any walled settlement)
alkhav gazhak tomb, lit. house of the ancestor
khras gazhak shrine, lit. gathering of ancestors
raodul monument, lit. memory stone
akhto camp, shelter
lex read
exel write
kar speak, message, messenger
ark listen
uldu think
dulu remember
arkar language
arakar exelex Lectogrammatic Orc
arakar dulud Ideogrammatic Orc
bakam war, conflict
mabak peace, harmony


The next group of ideograms describes individuals. Various minor personals exist for other species or occupations, used locally by small subsets of the orc culture, and on very rare occasions one of these will achieve broad acceptance and be added to the greater lexicon.  
Ideogram Word Meanings Ideogram Word Meanings
arak orc, colloq. the listeners
bili goblin
mahili hobgoblin
rogili bugbear
ahzag undead
khavask elf/elves, lit. city dwellers
vasakruzh dwarf/dwarves, lit. people of the mountain
vaegalas kobold or dragonborn, lit. little dragons
galas dragon
aevasak giant or titan, literally, big people, also used of ogres and other giant-kin
vaevasak little people, can be applied to goblins, halflings or gnomes
uruk hunter, male
orok warrior, female
olog speaker
gluk sage
harok king
haruk queen
ologazhak speaker for the dead
ologvask speaker for the living
iagdak ix purifier, lit. against divine magic
gaivas vosh woodcutter, lit. for the life of plants
berizakh civilian, lit. farmer
zhata thrall
azh captain
cheg parent
rak child
chedesh family
khras tribe
reig kingdom


These ideograms name key historical and geographical points which anchor orc culture.  
Ideogram Word Meanings Ideogram Word Meanings
Okorakula gai Dakazh The Uprising (lit. one thousand spears for the death of gods)
Kizha ul Hu Shaiar The Diaspora (lit. destiny in the four winds)
dakazhta godkiller
Bokimreig Darklands


This group of ideograms describes the ancient order and enemies of the orcs as a culture. They are sacred, that status sealing the concepts they describe against doing harm.  
Ideogram Word Meanings Ideogram Word Meanings
dak god
raka enemy
akhor Legion
rato maniple
shrak cohort
okore hundred (military)
okoe ten (military), squad
iraza manus, lieutenant
akhzhat horde
khavizhreig Regime, lit. the Domain of Cities


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