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Second Quarter, Swan of the East

The ruling Constellation of the Eastern quarter is the Swan. The quarter is associated with the elemental plane of air, and the moon rises in the east during the spring. The traits associated with those born under the signets of spring include a free spirit, but also absent mindedness; quick wits and quick judgements; drive, direction, and leadership.  
3rd Signet
Signet of the Stag
The 3rd signet is the east-southeastern arc of the sky over Aiaos. It belongs to the element of air and the early spring. The formal Constellations of the signet are the Stag itself, the Archer and the Lantern, although the Dragon, the Shield and the Cup in fact occupy their places at the current phase of precession.
The Stag
The signatory of the 3rd is the Stag, an elaborate arrangement of eleven stars depicted as a stag, full face with branching antlers. Two especially bright stars, the green star Razir and the white star Miron, tip the antlers. It is associated with quick judgements and leadership, perhaps an unfavourable combination.
The Archer
At the meridian of the 3rd, the Archer is a constellation of five stars depicted as a drawn bow, with the blue-white flare of Havelest at the arrow's head. The constellation stands for drive, direction and focus.
The Lantern
The coronal constellation is the Lantern, a constellation of five stars, arrayed around the red candle of the star Ignis. The lantern illuminates brilliantly, but narrowly, and represents both quick wits, in the light, and absent mindedness, as all else is forgotten.
4th Signet
Signet of the Swan
The due east arc of the sky belongs to the 4th signet. One of the signets of the air, it hosts the moon in the midst of spring. The formal constellations of the 4th signet are the Swan, the Reeds and the Fish. As a matter of nightly observance, it in fact houses the Crown, the Goat and the Medusa.
The Swan
Eight stars in a cruciform arrangement mark out the Swan of the East. At its head, the blue star Seewit blazes. The Swan has associations with the ancient Titans, power and legacy. It is connected with the most balanced and sober associations of the spring signets - leadership, quick thinking and drive.
The Reeds
The Reeds are one of the simpler constellations, seven stars describing three reeds that rise from a single root - the white star Steres The Reeds stand for growth and quick judgement.
The Fish
The Fish consists of only five stars, including the brilliant white Pecis at the nose of the constellation. The Fish is often considered an unfortunate constellation and associated with absent-mindedness.
5th Signet
Signet of the Eagle
The 5th signet is the last arc of spring, covering the east-northeast arc of the sky. Like all signets of the Second Quarter, it is associated with the element of air. The formal signs of the signet are the Eagle, the Hound and the Tree, while the actual Constellations in the east-northeast are the Scythe, the Wheatsheaf and the Plough.
The Eagle
The Eagle is an elaborate constellation of thirteen stars, depicted as an eagle in flight. The bright red star Serris forms the eagle's beak. More than any other constellation, it represents the free spiritedness of spring.
The Hound
The Hound is the meridian constellation of the signet, composed of six stars describing a hound on alert. The brightest star in the constellation, the red star Bis, forms the hound's foot. The Hound is associated with loyalty and drive.
The Tree
The Tree is a constellation of nine stars representing a spreading tree. The bright, golden star, Ostri, nestles in the roots of the tree. The Tree is widely associated with stability and leadership.


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