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Third Quarter, Dragon of the North

The north, the quarter associated with the elemental plane of fire, the Aurora, and the summer months, belongs to the Constellation of the Dragon. The stereotypical traits of the summerborn are glory, ferocity and rage. They are said to be hot-headed and hot-tempered, quick to anger and slow to calm; often frightening, but often inspiring.  
6th Signet
Signet of the Orchid
The 6th signet encompasses the north-northeast arc of the sky, where the moon rises in early summer. As a northern signet, it is associated with fire. Formal astronomies list the Constellations of this signet as the Orchid, the Dancer and the Wheel, but the precession has brought the Serpent, the Trident and the Bridle into their place.
The Orchid
The sign of the Orchid is a constellation eight stars in the form of a blossoming flower. The brilliant, white star Cardis is the heart of the flower. The sign is associated with a slow, deliberate temperament, and slow-burning anger.
The Dancer
The eight stars of the Dancer describe one of the few humanoid (eladrinate) figures in the Aiaosian zodiac. The raised foot of the dancer is marked by Attia, a blue-white star that pulses slowly. The dancer represents passion and inspiration, sometimes to a frightening degree.
The Wheel
The Wheel is composed of seven stars on the circumference of a circle, centred on the blue star Axia. The Wheel represents implacable drive.
7th Signet
Signet of the Dragon
The northern arc of the sky belongs to the 7th signet, and the 7th signet to the Dragon. It is the arc of high summer, encompassing the Aurora and the entrance to the Plane of Fire. The Dragon's meridian sign is the Shield and its coronal the Cup, although at present the northern signet is occupied by the Bear, the Hammer and the Unicorn.
The Dragon
The Dragon is a Constellation of eleven stars, depicted as a dragon in flight. The constellation is marked by two bright stars: white-gold Brahamast, named for Habram the Divine Balance, sits as the head of the dragon; while the red Malcidast at the heart of the dragon stands for Malcidis the Rage of Heaven. The Dragon is associated with towering rage, tempered by judgement.
The Shield
The Shield is descibed by four stars, with another three forming the 'crest' at its centre. The crest stars are the brilliant blue Ghos and her lesser sisters, the green star Tindri and the green Saith. The shield represents stubborn anger, vengeance and grudgebearing.
The Cup
The Cup is composed of six stars arranged in two triangles joined by a stem. The 'bowl' of the cup is fixed to the stem by the bright, golden gleam of Calcis. In astrology, the cup is deep emotion, especially anger.
7th Signet
Signet of the Crown
West of the Dragon, the 8th signet belongs to the Crown. This is the signet of late summer and the last of the fire signets. The arc and its divisions are named for the Crown, the Goat and the Medusa, although they are currently occupied by the Bull, the Diamond and the Otter.
The Crown
Seven stars make up the Constellation of the Crown, surmounted by the brilliant red light of Apex. The Crown is associated with stubbborn rage and inspiring fury.
The Goat
The goat is a rough, double spiral of eight stars. It is associated with sudden, vicious rage, bloody-mindedness and meanness.
The Medusa
The Medusa is a coil of seven stars, surmounted by the nine small gleams of the stars known as Medusa's Hair. Giant astrologers call this constellation the Vortex. The Medusa is associated with cold rage.


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