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Vault or Tally

Played with either an Eastern Deck (vault) or Foundation Deck (tally,) this is a score-counting game for two-to-four players, often played with a special counting board. It was popularsed by travelling Halflings, and traditional halfling vault boards are things of beauty.   Tally is played without trumps.   The game is played in a series of rounds, each made up of three stages: the deal, the tally and the claim. When using a board, the score is recorded by moving (vaulting) a peg around the board.  
Two-to-four players are dealt a hand of cards, six each for four players and five for three or four. Each player discards one card, face down, into the centre, or two each in a two player game, to form a pile called the horse in vault, or the box in tally. In a three player game an additional card is dealt face down, so that each hand, including the horse, consists of four cards.   After each round, the deal passes to the right.  
A single card (called the judge, or the tallyman) is played face up in the centre. Each player in turn, starting to the left of the dealer and continuing to the left, lays a card in front of them, keeping their hands separate. A cumulative count is kept (court cards score eleven, twelve, thirteen or, in tally, fourteen,) until no player can add a card without exceeding 31 or 33 (the Foundation deck having more cards has a higher maximum,) at which point the count is zeroed and restarted with the next player from the last to pass.   There are many variations in scoring, but in general the following apply:  
  • Two points to the dealer if the judge is a Runner/Merchant in the Eastern deck, or a Herald in the Foundation deck.
  • Two points for bringing the count to exactly 15 (or 16 in vault.)
  • Two points for bringing the count to exactly 31/33.
  • One point for making the last play of a count without reaching the maximum.
  • Two points for playing a card in the count that matches the last play. In vault the wild cards always count as having the same value as the card before.
Once all cards have been played, the players reclaim their hands and, beginning with the player to the left of the dealer, score the cards in their hand plus the judge. Finally, the dealer takes the cards in the horse and scores them to their own account.   Again, there are variations, but as a general rule, cards score as follows:  
  • Two points for each combination of cards in the hand which total fifteen.
  • Two points for each pair that can be made.
  • For a run of consecutive numbered cards, the number of cards in the run.
  • Two points for a four-card flush.
  • Five points for a five-card flush
  • Two points for a runner/merchant/herald of the same suit as the judge.
  Games can be played strict or friendly. In strict games, a player finishes their claim by knocking on the table (tallying out). Immediately after, if another player can point out any legal points that were missed, they can steal those points.   As soon as any player's total score reaches or passes 161/171, that player wins the game.


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