Iron Dragon

Iron dragons are a type of ferrous dragon that re-emerged on Zihæt in the 48th century.

Basic Information


The dragon's head is almost shovel-shaped, with a pointed snout. Its scales are metallic black with flashes of silver. Large plates, which look like shark fins, run down its neck and back.   A wyrmling iron dragon has flat black scales that take on a glossy texture as it matures. As an adult, an iron dragon has metallic black scales, which continue to take on silvery highlights as it ages. Great wyrms are said to have scales that look like moonlight reflecting on a rippling pool.

Biological Traits

Breath weapon. Iron dragons can breath a cone of superheated sparks.   Immunity. Iron dragons are immune to heat (fire) damage.

Growth Rate & Stages

Age Category
Age (in years)
Very Young
Young Adult
Mature Adult
Great Wyrm

Ecology and Habitats

Iron dragon prefers to build its lair beneath a great hill or high mountain near a deposit of iron ore. It most often lairs in temprate regions but can tolerate much warmer climates.   Iron dragons like places with plenty of cover large enough to hide a large predator; their favorite environments are rocky hills or dense forests.   They take particular care in hiding their lairs, which have a reputation for being among the most difficult dragon lairs to find. If the dragon cannot find a totally inaccessible place (like a cavern reachable only by flight) they will settle for the most difficult terrain and cover they can find. Common places to find iron dragon lairs include overgrown forest ravines or briar-choked gulches.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Iron dragons prefer midsized games such as deer and boar. Most will eat sentient creatures if the opportunity presents itself, but only if they are evil or obviously malicious. They especially prefer small humanoids that are less able to protect themselves, such as goblins. Iron dragons keep from eating good creatures, but occasionally a particularly malignant specimen might build a lair along a hobgoblin highway or similar area so it can ambush unsuspecting (evil) passersby.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

They have the ability to see in the dark up to 60 feet away from them. They can see in dim light within that radius as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. They can't discern color in the darkness, only shades of grey.   They can perceive its surroundings within 10 feet without relying on sight.   All ferrous dragons can sense the location and amount of any non-precious metal (e.g. those other than gold, copper, etc.) within a distance of 30 feet as a wormling, and extending an additional 30 feet with each stage of growth.

Civilization and Culture

Common Myths and Legends

Iron dragons are good natured, but most forget this because they are often brutish, short-tempered, and pessimistic.   Most are driven by their need to be respected, and for some this translates to ruling through fear. They prefer their own company, like other dragons, but older iron dragons may have minions keep up their lairs or guard their hoards. Such minions are usually charmed with the dragon's Charming Breath, but occasionally frightened into service.   They are not as bright as other dragons and therefore are relatively easy to trick or manipulate (when compared toother dragons) through bribery or flattery, but if an iron dragon finds out it has been manipulated, it always reacts viciously.   However, if you are honest and up-front about your intentions, younger iron dragons can make excellent mercenaries and stalwart allies.   Iron dragons are solitary (aside from possible minions) and will not seek out other creatures, aside from other iron dragons when they feel the need to mate. They follow the mating rituals traditionally followed by metallic dragons,raising their young as a couple, but they rarely mate for life.   Iron dragons prefer martial treasures like armor and weapons, especially ones won from would-be challengers. They take these as trophies and as marks of their battle prowess. Aside from that, they love the look and feel of silver and gold coins.  


Iron dragons always strike from ambush. If engaging in their lair, they will distract enemies with carefully positioned traps (or minions if they have any), and then attack when their enemies are distracted. If they do not believe they can win a fight, they have no qualms with fleeing to save their own hide. If they have minions, iron dragons most often "coerce" goblins, hobgoblins, minotaurs, or other evil creatures to work for them, reasoning that the efforts of such creatures are put to much better use toward the cause of good rather than furthering their otherwise evil ends. In such a situation, an iron dragon might leave such minions to die if it can save itself. It is for the greater good, after all.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Iron dragons normally do not care for their metallic cousins of other varieties, and the others generally return the favor. Though they share the metallic hatred of the chromatics, irons are the most likely to tolerate sharing a border with a chromatic dragon. That is, unless the dragon is green. Iron and green dragons do not tolerate each other, as they usually inhabit similar areas, and the greens especially infuriate irons because the more dimwitted irons are easily outsmarted by the conniving greens.   Iron dragons hoard raw iron greedily, as it is needed for their reproductive cycle as well as for food. Although this leads to disputes with other races that mine iron ore, conflicts are nothing compared to the vicious contest between iron dragons and a red dragon.
Ferrous Dragon
Conservation Status
No living ferrous dragons existed on Zihæt until 4706. The few ferrous dragons eggs that do exist are under the watchful eye of Chryseis.
Geographic Distribution
Related Ethnicities


Author's Notes

Ferrus dragons originally appeared in Dragon #170, June 1991 and again in dragon #356, June 2007. Adapted to Zihæt.   Statblocks based on the DMs Guild 5e "The Book of Dragons Volumes I & II" by Conner McCall,   Oath of Dragon mechanics from Players Guide to Odyssey of the Dragonlords by James Ohlen and Jesse Sky.

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