Nations, City-states and Tribes

To call many of the organizations on Zihæt nations is to do them a great honor. Much of the world of Zihæt is composed of city-states squabbling in their own Leagues, or tribal groups spread across the vast expanses they inhabit. Perhaps one day they will coalesce into the greater nations like Venúék, perhaps not.
— Dorothea Logopolous (4695)

Drákon League City-States

The most vibrant area of the middle seas region, or at least in their own mind, is the Drákon League occupying the Dragonshome Islands. This collection of several large city-states dominates the overseas trade and is a thriving home of economic, cultural and magical activity.
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Landing Page | Jan 9, 2021
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Northern Continent Tribal Alliances

The Northern Continent is populated by three separate powers. Two of these powers, the tribal nations of Norjord and Rus have maintained their independence and lifestyle. Collectively they are known as the The Northern Peoples.
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Landing Page | Jan 9, 2021

New Nations

The youngest, fastest growing and most aggressive of the nations on the northern continent A military and religious empire, they occupy the eastern regions of Burgandy and Avignon.
Holy Empire of Humanité
Landing Page | Jan 9, 2021

Ancient Empires

The two ancient empires have little interaction with the modern nations of the middle seas. Some trade exists with Venúék, and the strange peoples that inhabit the empire have been found on the Dragonshome Islands. The Kæshék have not been seen in the middle seas regions for several millennia. The myths hold that this is the original empire of Zihæt, and dominates the far western continent.
Landing Page | Jan 9, 2021
Landing Page | Jan 9, 2021

Lost Civilizations

Several other rumored civilizations have existed or are rumored to continue to exist. The first of these, the Persopoulos Tribe were originally residents of the Dragonshome Islands until they vanished around the time of a major volcanic eruption. The lands of Eleusis were once thought to co-exist with the Persopoulos Tribe on Froúrio nisí, but no evidence of the society remains other than several landmarks named in their honor. The rumored dark abode of Hecate, Asteria was thought to be on the island of Megálo nisí, but no concrete evidence supports that assertion.
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Landing Page | Jan 9, 2021
Landing Page | Jan 9, 2021

Northmen Tribes

The most widely understood tribes reside in Norjord. There are several more that to date remain undiscovered or uncataloged.
Northmen Tribes and Families
Landing Page | Jan 9, 2021

Drákon Tribes

The Drákon tribes have evolved from loose tribal organizations to tight families that span the city-states of the Drákon League, and form the foundation of the Holy Empire of Humanité.
Drákon Tribes
Landing Page | Jan 9, 2021


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