Steel Dragon

Steel dragons are a type of ferrous dragon that re-emerged on Zihæt in the 48th century.

Basic Information


A steel dragons has an almost feline body with a comparably slight build with a long, narrow head. Sword-like frills grow like horns from its head, neck, and elbows, and its tail is tipped with a large hook-like blade.   Its wings are feathered, rather than leathery, and each feather resembles a sharp dagger. Its scales resemble small shields, and even from a young age, it shines like polished steel. A steel dragon smells of wet metal.

Biological Traits

Breath weapon. Steel dragons can breath a cone of poisonous gas.   Immunity. Steel dragons are immune to poison and its effects.

Growth Rate & Stages

Age Category
Age (in years)
Very Young
Young Adult
Mature Adult
Great Wyrm

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

They have the ability to see in the dark up to 60 feet away from them. They can see in dim light within that radius as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. They can't discern color in the darkness, only shades of grey.   They can perceive its surroundings within 10 feet without relying on sight.   All ferrous dragons can sense the location and amount of any non-precious metal (e.g. those other than gold, copper, etc.) within a distance of 30 feet as a wormling, and extending an additional 30 feet with each stage of growth.

Civilization and Culture


Ferrous dragons. These metallic dragons were once a dominant force on other worlds, but have been unknown on Zihæt until they re-emerged early in the 48th century. By nature they are heirarchical and have a strict code of conduct, though it may not seem so to others. Ferrous dragons on Zihæt are not burdened by the norms of their society on other worlds, and as a result can often exhibit strikingly different personalities and characteristics than the legends would suggest.

Common Myths and Legends

Many more people have interacted with a steel dragon than actually know they exist. This is because steel dragons infiltrate the cities of humanoids in a humanoid form, often remaining there for much longer periods of time than they stay in their own lairs. Their motivation varies, but they are nearly always benign, simply having a curiosity about the smaller folk that can only be satiated by walking among them.   Sociable, Clever, and Curious. Steel dragons prefer living among humanoids to living by themselves in their lairs, taking humanoid form to go unnoticed. They are intelligent and often take on the role of intellectual persons such as wizards, librarians, historians, or other scholars and sages, or even occasionally nobles. These dragons go to great lengths to keep their true identities a secret, setting up elaborate backstories for themselves and even, in rare cases, learning humanoid trades or creating multiple guises. Despite these disguises, steel dragons can always recognize one another.   Though they can get along peacefully and effectively become a part of any society, steel dragons prefer human cities. They find longer-lived races a bit tedious and boring. Humans are unique from other races in that they are adaptable and have a certain enthusiasm that steel dragons find fascinating.   Freedom within the Law. Steel dragons can't tolerate authority of any kind. They won't be told what to do in any scenario, regardless of their guise or place in society, unless ignoring such orders would somehow reveal the dragon's true nature. They are otherwise adamant supporters of the law, as long as that law maintains order flexibly and follows the dragon's personal understanding of how the law should work, such that the dragon can advance its own agenda.   This perspective brings many steel dragons into conflict with those who enforce oppressive regimes, including the occasional gold or bronze dragon. However, a steel dragon never confronts such issues or creatures directly, instead preferring to subtly cause trouble, or even instigate rebellion if it believes that such a rebellion would lead to an overthrow of the tyranny it wants gone.   Even when confronted directly, a steel dragon prefers dipomacy over combat, trying to use spells or its innate abilities to diffuse the situation. If risen to fight, it tries to end combat peacefully. A steel dragon only kills its opposition if it obviously means to cause lethal harm to the dragon (or its companions or subjects), and is capable of doing so. A dragon risen to such fury is a terrible foe to behold.   Haughty and Aloof. As with other dragons, steel dragons are arrogant and have large egos. Even in humanoid form they come across as vain and insensitive, but they mean well. Even the haughtiest of steel dragons comes to have close humanoid companions that it cares deeply about. When it comes to their origins and their fall from Bahamut's favor, steel dragons think themselves above such petty grievances. After all, who needs the approval of a god who claimed to have authority over them? To them, it is where they came from, and nothing more. As far as they are concerned, the past is only proof of their superiority. They are greater than the other metallic dragons because of their rebellion; they were one of the few willing to stand up to Bahamut's authority and gain their freedom. Which they won, they are quick to point out, even though they "lost the war."   Investors and Enterprisers. Because of their urban locations, steel dragons prefer treasures that more easily blend in to their ruse. Exquisite mansions filled with all manner of finery and decadence are usually the most obvious portions of a steel dragon's hoard.   Beyond that, a steel dragon invests into enterprises, guilds, and other organizations that it deems worthy of such investment, often holding enough shares to control it. Then it sits back and watches as its coffers fill with a cut of the profit.
Ferrous Dragon
Conservation Status
No living ferrous dragons existed on Zihæt until 4706. The few ferrous dragons eggs that do exist are under the watchful eye of Chryseis.
Geographic Distribution
Related Ethnicities


Author's Notes

Ferrus dragons originally appeared in Dragon #170, June 1991 and again in dragon #356, June 2007. Adapted to Zihæt.   Statblocks based on the DMs Guild 5e "The Book of Dragons Volumes I & II" by Conner McCall,   Oath of Dragon mechanics from Players Guide to Odyssey of the Dragonlords by James Ohlen and Jesse Sky.

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