Great Riots of Farenia

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ORC License
Slightly NSFW!
The Great Riots of Farenia were a turbulent and bloody period marked by escalating tensions between the rural farming communities and the noble landowners. The conflict erupted over land disputes as wealthy nobles began forcibly claiming vast stretches of farmland, pushing smaller farmers off their ancestral lands. These nobles, backed by their private armies and political influence, sought to consolidate power by seizing the most fertile territories, often without compensation to the farmers who had worked the land for generations.   The farmers, already struggling with poor harvests and rising taxes, saw their livelihoods slipping away. What began as small protests quickly grew into widespread unrest. Mobs of furious farmers, united by their shared grievances, began organising in secret. Their resistance escalated into violent uprisings, with desperate farmers storming the estates of nobles and hanging settlers and land agents who were seen as symbols of the oppressive system.  
Great Riots of Farenia by Tillerz using MJ
  In some regions, the countryside became a war zone. Nobles retaliated with brutal force, sending armed militias to burn villages and crush the rebellion. In response, the farmers formed militias of their own, ambushing noble caravans and raiding estates. The violence spiralled out of control, with both sides committing atrocities in a vicious cycle of retribution.   What made the riots particularly dangerous was the breakdown of social order. Law enforcement, caught between the warring factions, was either overwhelmed or corrupt, leaving large swaths of Farenia in chaos. Cities became flooded with displaced farmers, while noble families barricaded themselves in their fortified estates, fearing for their lives.   The riots spread across the region, destabilising entire provinces and threatening the delicate balance of power in Farenia. Some nobles attempted to negotiate peace, while others sought to crush the rebellion completely. The riots only subsided after two years of bloodshed, when a fragile truce was brokered by a coalition of moderate nobles and influential trade guilds. However, the scars of the Great Riots left deep divides in Farenian society, with lingering resentment between the rural class and the nobility. Even today, the memory of those violent years still influences political dynamics in Farenia, and some fear that the unresolved issues of land ownership could ignite another conflict.
Battlefield Type
Start Date
2404 PB
Ending Date
2405 PB

Cover image: great-riots-header by Tillerz using MJ


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