Night Shrieker Species in Alana | World Anvil

Night Shrieker

Work in progress!
ORC License
Slightly NSFW!
Night Shrieker is the name given to the kind of monster responsible for Alana's nighttime terrors. These predators are quick and nimble in the air, and their stealthy flight makes them difficult to see until it is too late.   While Night Shriekers are not huge, they are nevertheless a dangerous foe because to their very sharp claws and fangs. During hunting, they often work together to launch coordinated, devastating attacks on their victim. While foraging alone, these mammals depend on the quiet propulsion of their wings to sneak up on their prey and wait for the right opportunity to attack.   The Night Shriekers are an interesting and unique species despite their scary reputation. They can glide enormous distances on their large and strong wings. Their horns are essentially a defensive mechanism, but they also serve as a symbol of power and authority.   These animals have an incredible capacity for adaptation, allowing them to survive in a wide range of settings, from deep woods to steep mountain tops. They have a complex language of clicks and screeches that is difficult for members of other species to decipher, but which they use to communicate with each other even over large distances.   The Night Shriekers pose a threat to the inhabitants of Bridgeport County, but they also show the amazing variety of life that exists in this enchanted land. As random sheep and other wildlife get lost in the Shadow Wilds, providing enough food for the Night Shriekers, attacks outside the forest are rarely happening. The Council of Ten has the species on their watch list, though, to commence action if needed.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Lives and hunts in packs of 5 to 8.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

The Night Shrieker has two smaller claws and one much larger claw on each foot, for a total of three claws. It is possible to fashion a dagger from the large, curved claw (piercing only).

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Civilization and Culture

Common Myths and Legends

At night, when the wind is howling and the rain is pelting the roof, bards and storytellers recite the tale of the Night Shrieker.  
The terror from above
  In Bridgeport's darkest, most foreboding wood,
There lives a beast with wings and horns, so understood.
It shrieks and roars with its pack in tow,
And hunts its prey when the moon is aglow.
  The creature's eyes are like pools of fire,
Its snarls and growls are filled with ire.
Its teeth are sharp, its claws are long,
And it moves so quick, like a shadow gone.
  It preys on creatures great and small,
With wings so vast it can easily enthrall.
Its hunting grounds are shrouded in gloom,
And those who hear its shrieks face certain doom.
  Beware, oh travelers, of this deadly plight,
For the beast that roams these woods at night,
Is no mere creature of flesh and bone,
But a terror to be feared and known.
Night Shrieker
Night Shrieker by Tillerz using MidJourney
Bridgeport County
Most southern part of Farenia.
Scientific Name
Clamor noctis
20 years
Average Height
Average Weight
Average Length
Average Physique
With its wings spread, the Night Shrieker throws a dark shadow over the surface. The thin, delicate veins on its six-foot-wide leathery wings are a visual nightmare. Its six to eight-kilogram body is propelled through the air and over the soil by muscular legs laced with sinew. Its wickedly curved horns show off its intimidating appearance. Its jaws are wide open, ready to pounce on unsuspecting prey. The solitary wanderer in the night will only see the yellow blazing eyes coming at them swiftly, and then hear a triumphant shriek.
Geographic Distribution

Cover image: Night Shrieker by Tillerz using MidJourney


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Feb 22, 2023 10:17

Nice one!
Only one question - is it a bird (as written in the 2nd paragraph)
or is it a manmal (like a bat) as depicted on the Picture and read in the behavior.

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  • Feb 22, 2023 10:26 by Tillerz

    Good find, thanks! Fixed it. It's more a bat like creature. :)

    Feb 22, 2023 16:00 by Darren McHaffie

    I would've asked Is it a bird, Is it a bat, or is it Superman coming back from the pub?

    Feb 25, 2023 15:46

    I am amazed! Keep on that!

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