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Astraeus Dubh

Early Life and Upbringing:

  Astraeus Dubh, born into the influential Dubh family within the elite circles of the Heart of the Imperium, was steeped in the world of military and technological innovation from a young age. Growing up in a highly competitive environment with five siblings, Astraeus was a standout, earning a coveted scholarship to the prestigious Gearfield Academy.  

Academic Achievements and Controversial Thesis:

At Gearfield, Astraeus excelled, particularly in the field of military technology. His academic prowess culminated in the publication of a controversial thesis titled “The Ill-Considered Mismanagement of Modern Technologies.” This thesis presented three catastrophic predictions stemming from the Imperium's rapid expansion in steam power and gunpowder production:  
  • Seismic Catastrophe: Astraeus theorized that excessive coal mining for steam power could trigger widespread seismic activity due to underground void collapses, potentially leading to chain-reaction collapses and massive destruction in major settlements.
  • Climatic Havoc: He argued that the overuse of water for steam power would result in abnormal weather patterns, including severe flash floods and hurricanes, causing widespread devastation.
  • Gunpowder Peril: Astraeus warned of the dangers posed by the production and transportation of gunpowder. He foresaw accidental detonations leading to large-scale chain reactions, especially in densely populated urban areas.

The Turning Point:

The thesis initially received little attention within academic circles. However, its relevance surged following a catastrophic accident in an Imperial coal mine where an unintended detonation ignited the coal seam, causing an unstoppable fire and mine collapse. This incident mirrored one of Astraeus’s predictions, igniting public interest in his theories.  

Rising Influence and Subsequent Writings:

Following the incident, Astraeus's work gained notoriety, particularly among the residents of the Heart of the Imperium . He became a voice of caution, attracting a substantial following. His subsequent writings further criticized the Imperium's approach to resource management, including mining practices, gunpowder storage, and the overreliance on steam technology.  


The growing unrest and possibility of protests, fueled by Astraeus's work, alarmed government officials. In an attempt to mitigate the rising dissent, and at the permission of Emperor Leviticus  they relocated him to the newly established Imperial Port  in Alaria. Despite his exile, Astraeus maintained his loyalty to the Emperor, clarifying that his criticisms were not against the technologies themselves but their mismanagement.  

Current Status:

In exile, Astraeus Dubh continues to advocate for responsible and sustainable technological advancement. His stance, though controversial, has sparked important dialogues within the Imperium, challenging the status quo and prompting reevaluation of practices that could threaten the empire's future.

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