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Occupation of New Haven

Military: Battle


The Capital of the Coalition, New Haven was occupied by Imperial Forces.

The Battle of New Haven: The Fall of a Bastion


Prelude to Battle:

New Haven, a significant stronghold of the Coalition, stood as a beacon of hope and resilience. Its strategic location and robust defenses had long thwarted Imperial ambitions. However, as the Imperium expanded its reach, the inevitable confrontation loomed large. In the year 115AS (After Steam) following the battle of Crimson skies the Imperial forces, under the command of the ruthless General Armand Drax, set their sights on New Haven, marking the beginning of one of the most vicous battles in the history of The Empire  

The Siege Begins:

The initial phase of the battle was a protracted siege. The Imperium's strategy was to cut off New Haven from all supply routes, slowly weakening its defenses. Massive airships blockaded the skies, while ground troops encircled the city. The Coalition, under the leadership of Commander Elara Voss, prepared for a long and arduous defense. The city's walls, reinforced with steam-powered cannons, held strong against the initial onslaught, but the siege took its toll as supplies dwindled and morale waned.

The Battle Intensifies:

As the siege wore on, General Drax launched a series of brutal assaults. Each attack was met with fierce resistance, as the defenders of New Haven fought with a desperate tenacity. The skies above the city were ablaze with the fire of dogfights between Coalition and Imperial airships, while the streets echoed with the sounds of hand-to-hand combat.    

Turning Point:

The turning point came when the Imperium unveiled a new weapon: the Steam Behemoth, a colossal war machine that could breach the city walls. Despite valiant efforts to repel the behemoth, the city's defenses were compromised, leading to a full-scale invasion by Imperial forces.    

The Fall of New Haven:

  The fall of New Haven was both swift and brutal. Coalition soldiers, outnumbered and outgunned, fought in a series of last stands, their resolve unbroken even in the face of overwhelming odds. The streets of New Haven, once filled with the laughter of its inhabitants, were now scenes of fierce urban warfare. Many civilians were slaughtered, their homes pillaged and countless cultural artifacts either stolen or outright destroyed.  

Heroism Amidst Despair:

Amidst the chaos, acts of heroism shone brightly. Stories emerged of soldiers sacrificing themselves to protect civilians, of medics braving gunfire to tend to the wounded, and of ordinary citizens taking up arms to defend their homes. Counsellor Voss herself was at the forefront, rallying her troops and fighting alongside them.  

Aftermath and Occupation:

The battle ended with the Imperium's victory. New Haven, once a symbol of defiance, was now under Imperial control. The occupation was harsh, with strict curfews and regulations imposed. Yet, even in defeat, the spirit of New Haven's inhabitants remained unbroken.   Counsellor Voss and other members of the city were later discovered to have escaped the city via a series of underground caverns.

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