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Animus Token

A large silver coin with arcane symbols on its surface.   Wondrous Item, Legendary   This large silver amulet is adorned with intricate engravings of ethereal chains, symbolizing its ability to bind the souls of good-aligned creatures. These tokens can be used to various magical effects. Using any of the effects consumes the soul and bursns up the coin.

Mechanics & Inner Workings

Soul Trapper:

When a good-aligned creature is slain by one holding an Animus Token, their soul becomes trapped within the token, and the token turns from old and tarnished to shiny and silver. The killer must be holind the token and land the killing blow for the soul to be captured. Only one soul can be contained within a coin at a time.  

Alignment Bind:

While touching an Animus Token, a creature's aligmnent may be masked by the alignment of the captured soul's. They may also disguise themseves and perfectly mimic manurisms of the creature whose soul is trapped within the token, as in the polymorph spell, including any subtle maneurisms and voice. This effect lasts for 1 hour and burns up the soul and the token with it.  


The Animus Token resonates with the power of the trapped soul. While holding the amulet with one hand, the creature gains a +3 bonus to their spell attack rolls and saving throw DC for spells and abilities that deal radiant or necrotic damage. Additionally, they gain resistance to radiant and necrotic damage. This effect does not consume the soul or token, but to gain this benefit, a creature must intentionally hold the token.  

Spell Casting:

A creature can consume the soul and token, and use it's energy to power a single spell. The Sould can power up to 5 spell slots. (EX: a 9th level spell can be cast with a soul and a 4th level slot, or any spell of 5th level or below can be cast)  

Soul Release:

Dispell magic cast at any level releases the trapped soul.
2' wide x 0.2' thick


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