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Black Pudding

The black pudding may have a name that makes you hungry for a delicious desert, but it is anything but a sweet treat.   A "Black Pudding" is a type of ooze monster that can be encountered in various regions. Oozes are amorphous, gelatinous creatures that often dwell in dark and damp places like dungeons and caves. The Black Pudding is a particularly dangerous and corrosive type of ooze.   Encounters with Black Puddings can be challenging due to their ability to absorb attacks, resist most normal damage, ability to split, and their corrosive nature. Adventurers typically need to be well-prepared with appropriate weapons and strategies to deal with these creatures effectively. Spells that deal cold damage or weapons with the ability to resist corrosion can be especially useful when facing Black Puddings.

Basic Information


Black Puddings are amorphous, blob-like creatures that appear to be made of thick, black, tar-like substance. They have no discernible features and are typically completely black.   Black Puddings can squeeze through tight spaces and are often found blocking narrow passages. They can be challenging to avoid or navigate around due to their amorphous nature.

Ecology and Habitats

Black Puddings are creatures of darkness and dampness, preferring environments where little to no sunlight penetrates. Caves, dungeons, and underground tunnels are their favored haunts. These locales provide them with the cover they need to move stealthily and ambush unsuspecting prey.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Black Puddings have the unusual ability to consume and destroy non-magical items. This means that if they come into contact with metal weapons or other equipment, they can potentially destroy them, which can be a concern for adventurers. These oozes tend to be scavengers, feeding on organic matter that finds its way into their habitat. They are not picky eaters and will consume anything from fallen creatures to discarded items and debris.

Biological Cycle

When a Black Pudding is severely injured, it has the ability to split into two smaller Black Puddings. This can make them even more challenging to deal with, as adventurers may have to face multiple smaller puddings if they don't defeat the creature quickly. It is believed that this is the primary means of reproduction, as the split oozes will grow over time as they consume non-magical matter.


One of the most notable features of Black Puddings is their corrosive nature. They are highly acidic, and any object or creature that comes into contact with a Black Pudding risks being dissolved by its corrosive secretions. This makes Black Puddings particularly dangerous adversaries.   Black Puddings are creatures of stealth and ambush. They prefer to lurk in dark, damp places, patiently awaiting their prey. These gelatinous oozes are skilled at camouflaging themselves amidst the shadows of dungeons, caves, and underground tunnels.   In some cases, these oozes may serve as guardians, intentionally placed by individuals or creatures to protect valuable or sensitive areas. Their corrosive attacks are an effective deterrent to intruders.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Black Puddings lack eyes or other sensory organs, but they have blindsight, allowing them to detect nearby creatures without the need for traditional senses.
Genetic Ancestor(s)


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