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Desert Pass

Desert Pass is not exactly a desert or even part of one, but the arid wind has earned it this name regardless. The narrow path winds its way through the steep walls of the canyon, twisting and turning with every step. The air is dry and the wind howls relentlessly, carrying with it the sound of distant storms.
  The walls of the canyon are tall and jagged, casting long shadows across the rocky terrain. There are no trees or vegetation in sight, only rocks and dust. The occasional cave entrance can be seen along the walls, but they offer no shelter from the elements.
  Traveling through this pass is not for the faint of heart. The narrow path provides no room for error, and the steep walls leave you vulnerable to any danger that may lurk ahead. It’s not uncommon to come across bandits or cliff dwelling creatures that use the canyon as a hunting ground.
  Despite its dangers, the pass is a vital trade route, connecting the southern regions to the central kingdom. Many travelers brave the hurricane like winds and treacherous terrain to reach their destination. Poor planning and traveling alone will spell disaster and few make the journey without incident.
Inhabiting Species


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