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Kingdoms rich in ancient grandeur, halls carved into the roots of mountains, the echoing of picks and hammers in deep mines and blazing forges, a commitment to clan and tradition, and a burning hatred of goblins and orcs—these common threads unite all dwarves.   One of the oldest “civilized” peoples of Allyria, most inhabitants are not sure how long they have been residing here. We know that they were not in open conflict with the Orcs and before Thraxis overthrew their city Therasis, they had been there quite some time and had build a wondrous city in the frozen mountains of the southern isles. Now, the Dwarven people are widespread as the rest of the lands population. Mostly taking up residence at the founding of Culfeld, putting their mining and forging skills to good work to create another wonderful city, this time mostly made of tunnels. A fair number stayed behind to establish Pinier Point on the Eamon Islands on the coastline opposite their now abandoned homeland.   They enjoy an amiable relationship with most peoples, although they prefer to segregate themselves when possible. Most Dwarves now live at Tel Morrhin, the new Dwarven capital city. Some chose to live as tradesmen or merchants at Vaenbehl or in the tunnels at Culfeld. Small numbers can be found scattered across the realm, and while the vast majority live at the Dwarven setltements, you may encounter permanent Dwarven residents at any town or city in Allyria.


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