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Firth is a rugged and weather-beaten fishing village located on the southern sandbar, surrounded by choppy seas and rocky cliffs. The town’s economy is driven by its hardy fishermen, who brave the dangerous waters to bring in a bountiful catch of fish and other sea creatures. The locals are tough and self-sufficient, relying on their own resourcefulness and ingenuity to survive in this harsh environment.
  The town is a chaotic jumble of buildings, with narrow, winding streets that seem to lead to nowhere. The salty air carries the pungent smell of fish and seaweed, and the sound of seagulls echoes through the narrow alleys. Despite the town’s rough exterior, the people of Firth are warm and welcoming to outsiders, eager to share their hard-earned knowledge of the sea.
  The town’s small harbor is always bustling with activity, with boats coming and going at all hours of the day and night. Fishermen can be seen mending nets and repairing boats along the docks, while traders hawk their wares to passing ships on their way to or from Mar-Vol Bay. The locals take great pride in their fishing vessels, which are known throughout the region for their speed and agility.
  Despite its isolation and ruggedness, Firth is not without its dangers. They are relatively isolated and the seas can be treacherous, with sudden storms and rogue waves that have claimed many a fisherman’s life. Pirates and sea monsters also pose a threat to those who venture too far south. Yet despite these dangers, the people of Firth remain steadfast in their love of the sea and their determination to make a living from it.
Economy: Labor and Merchant
Wealth: Low
Leadership: Merchant's Guild
Purpose: Resource Gathering


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