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Only a few feet tall, with tough scales, dragon tails, sharp claws, and a crocodile like face, the Kobold race is a rare sight.

It is known that the Kobolds serve the Red Dragon, Thraxis. Since he lives in the frozen south, there is very little to fear from the Kobold tribes. However, those who have made contact in the past report that they are cowardly in a direct confrontation, and will usually flee unless they can obviously overcome a foe. Violence is not necessarily their default response, but it is likely, especially if you are a Gnome. Old rivalries going back to the gods have left a burning hatred in their hearts for Gnomes. Their society is fairly advanced for a savage race. They worship dragons, and seek to serve them in any way possible.

Recently, there is a rumor that Thraxis has rejected a family of Kobolds due to an unusual coloration in their genetic line. This is a concern as the nature of Kobold religion suggests that they will take extreme measures to win favor with Thraxis, whom they consider to be their lord still, even after being rejected. To them, being eaten by him would have been a greater honor.
Geographic Distribution


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