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Lakepass is the last step in a crucial route for those who travel the waterway that stretches across the continent, connecting the White City to the Wild Lands and finally ending at Mar’Vol Bay in the town of Skree. The passage is a natural wonder, with steep canyon walls rising up to frame the tranquil waters of the river. But the beauty of the scenery belies the dangers that lurk beneath the surface.
  Most of the journey through Lakepass must be completed by small boats, as the passage between the steep canyon walls is too narrow and the riverbed too shallow in some places for a full ship. The journey can be treacherous, as travelers must navigate through the twisting canyon while avoiding submerged rocks and other hazards. Even the calmest of waters can become turbulent at a moment’s notice, making it vital for travelers to remain alert and vigilant. Travelers must also be vigilant for dangers lurking along the banks of the river. The occasional roc or other fearsome creature may swoop down from above in search of prey. The walls of the canyon also provide ample hiding places for bandits and raiders who would take advantage of the unwary.


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