BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Markus Spats


Journey to the White City

My family is gone. I've started this journal to continue my legacy as I believe I am the last of my line. Fortunately despite how much I distanced myself, my family has left behind quite a fortune. I believe this inheritance was not originally for me but seeing as I am the last surviving member of the Spats family it seems that I will be the sole inheritor. Unfortunately for me, in order to collect this inheritance I must travel to the White City. (someone's name) is a good friend. He has hired a group to help transport me safely to the White City. Although I don't think I need the help, it will be nice to travel in a group. The roads are dangerous these days.   This is curious. A member of this group has the last name of Spats just as my family does. A distant cousin perhaps? He seems to be avoiding my questioning regarding the name. I'm unsure how common the name is in other parts of the world although I doubt it's that common. I have never heard of this Declan before, but then again I have tried to distance myself from my unbearable family for quite some time.   The group has decided to take a boat up the lake to the White City but got side-tracked into taking over an island tower filled with Kobolds. I honestly have no idea how we did it, but we, as a group, even killed the owner of the island... A juvenile black dragon. I almost can't believe it. Luckily for us we have a Dragonborn who, from my point of view, seemed to do most of the work in regards to the dragon. K9, another member, has been very kind to me. He did a wonderful job against the kobolds occupying the island. He has gone far out of his way to protect me. I suppose that is his job. I try to ask and understand where he and the group came from and he seems to be telling the truth but is so... Odd. Literal, I suppose is the word. I want to head straight to the White City but this group is being paid to transport me and has decided to choose a different path for now. and for now, I will follow them.   We saw a light through the fog of a town in the distance, on the other side of the lake. This is the town of Skor. We traveled here to see if we could stock up on supplies before our final journal to the White City. We've discovered something odd. The townspeople all seem to be having nightmares every. single. night. All of them. Not just uncomfortable nightmares either, we heard deathly screaming in the middle of the night. The only person who seemed to be awake at the time was the priest who gave K9 and I some general information on the town of Skor. After speaking with him for awhile, we noticed a light on an island in the distance. We explored the island in hopes of figuring out what was causing the nightmares of the townspeople. We discovered a cave underneath the island. We need help. We fought off many enemies including the ones who seem like the masterminds of the nightmares. 3 hags. They are disgusting creatures. We need to take them out before anything can be fixed regarding the town's problems. A part of me wishes we just went straight for the White City, but I've always had a tendancy to help people. Especially when their issues affect the poor civilians of a town.   We escaped. We returned to the town in order to prepare for a major battle against all 3 hags and their minions. The mayor was kind enough to lend us a part of his garrison. We have 5 men along with the whole original group. We are about to embark.


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