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Nerxiiva-Tol is a small island settlement founded by a group of dragonborn who were once part of a pilgrimage from the now-abandoned fortress of Oka God’ima. When they returned to their home and found it destroyed, with no trace of the inhabitants left, they decided to start a new settlement on a nearby island and begin anew.   The founders of Nerxiiva-Tol were deeply religious, and they brought their faith with them to their new home. They worshipped many gods and believed that religious practice was essential to living a full life. Their settlement reflects this belief, with many small shrines and altars scattered throughout the village.   Despite their religious fervor, the people of Nerxiiva-Tol are welcoming to all who honor the practice of any religion. The settlement is a humble place, built of simple materials and surrounded by rocky shores and dense forests. The villagers fish the surrounding waters and tend to their crops and livestock with care, and they are always eager to share what they have with visitors.   Nerxiiva-Tol is a peaceful and harmonious place, with a strong sense of community and a deep reverence for the divine. Those who come seeking spiritual guidance or simply a respite from the troubles of the world are always welcome on this secluded island retreat.
Economy: Charity
Wealth: Low
Leadership: Theocracy
Purpose: Refugees
Founding Date
422 K


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