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Neustadt is a charming village nestled in a lush coastal valley, surrounded by rolling hills to the south and fields of wheat and barley to the west, and the sea to the north. The people who call Neustadt home are hard-working farmers, tilling the rich soil and tending to their crops with care. It is also home to families of master shipbuilders, with a long tradition of crafting sturdy vessels that can withstand the rough seas of the north.   The village itself is a collection of simple, sturdy wooden houses, with thatched roofs and brightly painted shutters. The narrow streets are cobbled with smooth stones, and the air is filled with the sweet scent of fresh hay and ripe apples.   Despite its rustic charm, Neustadt is a bustling place, with farmers heading out to the fields at dawn and returning home only when the sun begins to set. At the heart of the village is a busy marketplace, where farmers come to sell their produce and trade goods with one another. The sound of laughter and friendly banter fills the air, creating a warm and welcoming atmosphere.   In addition to the bustling maritime industry, Neustadt is also home to a large garrison of the king’s army. The soldiers are a common sight around the village, patrolling the streets and keeping order. They are a reminder that even in this peaceful, idyllic setting, the realm is never far from conflict and war.   While the people of Neustadt may not have much in the way of material wealth, they are rich in community spirit and a deep respect for the land that sustains them. They honor the gods of their ancestors with offerings of food and drink, and gather together to celebrate the changing seasons and the bountiful harvest.   For those who visit Neustadt, it is a place of simple beauty, where the gentle pace of life and the warmth of human connection can be truly appreciated, alongside the skills of ship building and the importance of military readiness in the region.
Economy: Trade
Wealth: Moderate
Leadership: Military
Purpose: Military & Economic Stability
Related Ethnicities


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