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The Norvain and Norvani are a distinct cultural group within the realm of Allyria, known for their unique monarchy system and deeply held values. Women are highly revered as the carriers and creators of life, believed to have a closer connection with the divine due to their sacred role in bearing new life.   The belief that women are closer to the divine carries implications across all aspects of Norvan life. Women are Norvani and Men are Norvain, collectively the Norvan. It is more appropriate to describe a member of this people group by their gendered term, since there are important distinctions between them. Only when adddressing the group as a whole, or a mixed gendered group may the term Norvan be appropriate.   They are ruled by a king and queen who serve until death, and they are apointed based on a consensus of women within their communities. The king and queen are forbidden from having a relationship together, but are free to otherwise have relationships as they choose. Children of a king or queen are not eligible for leadership among Norvan people and they are raised to become celibate emissaries of wisdom and Norvan tradition, tasked with preserving and propagating their rich culture. If any of them choose to marry or have children, they are dismissed from their tribe and must settle elsewhere. They undergo a ritual send-off and are revered for their alternative life choices but are forever barred from re-entering their former society. This is done to avoid the possibility of hereditary favoritism, which has no place in Norvan culture. This society places a strong emphasis on cultural preservation, cooperation, and mutual respect between genders, with wisdom, tradition, and the divine connection to women as the core of their values.


Shared customary codes and values

The Monarchy: King and Queen

Relationship Dynamics
The king and queen, as rulers of the Norvain and Norvani, must not be married or romantically involved with each other. This arrangement ensures that their focus remains on their roles as leaders and representatives of their community.

However, both the king and queen are allowed to have romantic relationships and marry other individuals from their own people. These relationships are respected and do not interfere with their positions as monarchs.   Selection Process
The king and queen of a village, city, or region are chosen by a consensus of the women in that community. This consensus-based approach reflects the deep respect and trust placed in Norvani judgment and wisdom.

Roles and Responsibilities
The king and queen serve as the spiritual and ceremonial leaders of their community. They preside over important rituals, festivals, and cultural events, symbolizing unity and tradition.The king presides over and organizes the efforts of Norvain (men) and the queen likewise for the Norvani. They each excersize exclusive authority over their gender.   Their primary responsibility is to lead, protect, and represent their people both within their homeland and in interactions with neighboring regions.

Birth & Baptismal Rites

Birth is a sacred ceremony refered to as "revealing." When a child is born, it is seen as a spark of the mother's divinity being given by the One to the new life.   When Norvan ask "whose child are you," they are always refering to the mother. Since the spark of the childs divinity comes from the mother, lineage is traced through maternal bonds in Norvan culture.

Coming of Age Rites

Gaining Wisdom

When a woman has her first child, she is said to have gained her wisdom and is eligible to be considered queen if a consesus chooses her. She would also be considered the head of her household, being able to restore her husband should he dishonor himself and take authority over a woman, or attempt to speak with authority on spiritual matters.

Common Taboos

The Queen's Children: Emissaries of Wisdom

Celibate Life

Children born to the queen are raised to become celibate emissaries of wisdom and Norvan tradition. They receive education in cultural, historical, and spiritual aspects of their society.   The expectation of celibacy applies to the queen's children, emphasizing their dedication to the preservation and propagation of their culture.  

Ritual Send Off

Should any of the queen's children wish to marry or have children of their own, they undergo a ritual send-off. This is a solemn ceremony that marks their departure from their homeland.   After the send-off, they are considered forever disqualified from ascending to the positions of king or queen. However, their decision is not dishonorable; they are held in high esteem for choosing a different path.  

Diplomatic and Educational Roles

  The emissaries of wisdom continue to serve as diplomats, educators, and cultural ambassadors. They actively engage in cultural exchange and play a crucial role in representing their culture to the outside world.   While they may not marry or have children of their own, they foster relationships and alliances through diplomacy and cooperation.

Common Myths and Legends

The Divinity of Women

  In the Norvan culture, only women are granted the authority to teach and speak on spiritual and religious matters. This unique aspect of their culture reflects their belief in the sacred connection between women and the divine. Women serve as the spiritual guides, keepers of traditions, and leaders in matters of faith and belief. This distinctive role reinforces their reverence for the spiritual wisdom and guidance provided by the women of their society.


Beauty Ideals

The beauty ideals among the Norvan are deeply rooted in their appreciation for art, culture, and the natural world. Unlike some cultures that may prioritize physical attributes or superficial appearances, the Norvan beauty ideals are focused on qualities that reflect their values and way of life.  

Passion and Intellect:

Pursuits of passion are considered the most highly desired traits in Norvan society. This could be a passion of an intelectual , scientific, or artistic path. The specific subject is not particularly relevant as long as one is passionate about the pursuit of their mind and heart. Consequently, a Norvan would be ashamed to have settled into a profession, or if htey end up leading a life with no time or resources to pursue their passions. Likewise, a well-educated individual is considered more attractive, and intellectual conversations and debates are seen as alluring, since these thigns can only happen as a result of passionate pursuit.  

Harmony with Nature:

The Norvan have a deep connection with the natural world, and individuals who show respect for and harmony with nature are admired. This includes a reverence for the environment and sustainable living. And, while physical appearance is not the primary focus, maintaining good health and vitality is still important. They value physical fitness and nutrition, but not to extremes. A healthy body is considered a beautiful vessel for a beautiful mind and soul. Likewise, graceful movement and comportment are admired. Whether in dance, sports, or everyday life, individuals who move with poise and elegance are considered beautiful. This is why they have some of the most revered warriors in the realm.   The Norvan beauty ideals are multifaceted and reflective of their culture's values, placing a strong emphasis on intellectual pursuits, artistic expression, moral character, and a harmonious relationship with the world around them. These ideals prioritize inner beauty and the unique qualities that make each individual special.

Gender Ideals

Education and Knowledge Transmission

Women as Keepers of Cultural Knowledge

In the Norvan culture, women are the primary custodians of their history, traditions, and mythology, passing down their rich heritage through oral traditions, storytelling, and written records. Revered as spiritual and philosophical leaders, women guide their community in matters of ethics, morality, and spirituality, drawing from their profound connection to the divine. They also excel in the arts and creative pursuits, crafting masterpieces that reflect their cultural values, beliefs, and stories.  

Men as Instructors of Practical Skills

In Norvan society, men play pivotal roles in practical skills and community welfare. They serve as primary instructors in combat and self-defense techniques, ensuring the safety of the community through martial arts training. Additionally, men take responsibility for teaching agricultural practices, from planting to animal husbandry, guaranteeing a stable food supply. They also impart essential survival skills, including wilderness survival, hunting, and navigation, preparing the community for rugged challenges. Men showcase their craftsmanship and construction expertise, building homes, ships, and essential structures to meet the practical needs of the society.  

Gender Roles and Relationships

Norvan society thrives on mutual respect and cooperation, viewing the division of knowledge and skills as a complementary arrangement rather than a hierarchy. Men and women deeply respect each other's roles and work collaboratively to ensure the well-being and prosperity of their community. Marital partnerships are founded on mutual respect and cooperation, with couples jointly raising their families and contributing their unique skills to both the household and the wider community. The culture promotes gender-neutral opportunities, allowing individuals to explore diverse interests and passions without strict gender segregation in life's pursuits. Leadership positions are open to both genders, with qualifications and abilities serving as the primary criteria for selection, fostering an inclusive and merit-based society. The only exception being spiritual and religious authority, which may only be held by women.  

Legacy and Cultural Exchange

The Norvan continue to engage in cultural exchange with neighboring societies, sharing their unique knowledge and skills. This exchange fosters a balanced and harmonious world where each culture's strengths are celebrated and respected.   In this cultural framework, the women's role as keepers of cultural knowledge and wisdom is complemented by the men's expertise in practical skills. This division of knowledge and responsibilities has led to a society characterized by mutual respect, cooperation, and a strong sense of unity, where both genders contribute to the flourishing of their culture and community.

Major organizations

The Consesus

The consensus among the Norvan peoples consists of any women who are pregnant when a consensus is called. These women are believed to have a direct connection with the divine as life is being given through them. Thus, The consensus constantly changes.
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